
Xenia Git (2015/08/30)

EmuCR: XeniaXenia Git (2015/08/30) is compiled. Xenia is an experimental emulator for the Xbox 360. It does not run games (yet).

Xenia Status:
- Some code runs. [Insert any game name here] doesn't.
- Asserts! Crashes! Hangs! Blank screens!

Xenia Git Changelog:
* Implementing SetTimer and CompleteOverlappedEx APC callbacks.
Fixes #410.
* Fixing timer callbacks.
* Removing assert in keyboard display on flags.
* Fix logging with null varargs.
* Merge pull request #408 from DrChat/vcmpbfp_rc
vcmpbfp with Rc bit support
* vcmpbfp with Rc bit support
* Switching to old depth buffer clear style.
* Adding a yield in the XMA decoder to give other threads some breathing room.
* Fixing build and removing old binary libav submodule.
* Formatting premake files.
* Adding thread handle to logging.
* Merge pull request #407 from DrChat/libav
Rewrote the Audio Decoder
* Linting
* Change validity checks to assert statements.
* libav_verbose flag
* Whoops (formatting)
* Fixup the premake files
* Partial frame support.
* More improvements to the XMA decoder (and included some forgotten files)
* New WIP audio decoder
* Add gflags to projects that need it only
* Fixing module loading.
* Logging to with a ringbuffer. Much faster.
* Was about to update microprofile, but the new version is meh.
* Capturing guest/host context and showing registers in debugger.

Download: Xenia Git (2015/08/30)
Source: Here


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