
News: David Haywood's Homepage - Additive Kombat (2015/08/12)

If you’ve been following the GIT you might have noticed that MooglyGuy checked in a change to the Midway Zeus driver to improve the blending / transparency effects in Mortal Kombat 4.

Mortal Kombat 4 makes rather heavy using of the blending in places, applying it to a large number of particle effects, projectiles etc.

Pictures convey this far better words, so in short we’ve gone from this

EmuCR: News: David Haywood's Homepage - Additive Kombat

to this

EmuCR: News: David Haywood's Homepage - Additive Kombat

He advises me to make clear that the code is still a little hacky (the bit that controls the blending hasn’t been fully isolated) so it might not alwas be 100% correct, but as you can see, his work has made a dramatic improvement to the visuals in a driver that had been left untouched for far too long.

Note, this doesn’t improve Crusin’ Exotica, that runs on Zeus 2 which is significantly different.

News Source: Here


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