
XEiJ v0.15.06.08

XEiJ v0.15.06.08 is released. XEiJ is a X68000 emulator in Java.

XEiJ v0.15.06.08 Changelog:
- Recommended browser Remove the Google Chrome from, we revived the Mozilla Firefox and Waterfox instead.
- The incorporation of 9SCDRV.X http://retropc.net/x68000/software/disk/floppy/9scset/ in addition to the Human68k and FDDEVICE.X 2HD / 2HC / 2DD8 / 2DD9 / 2HQ 2DD10 / 2HDE / 2HS you can access the floppy disk images.
- You can start from the image of the 2HD / 2HC / 2HDE / 2HS.
- I can be accessed in read-only to the converted in DIFC.X 2HD / 2HC / 2HQ / 2HDE / 2HS DIM file (without over-track). You can boot from DIM file of 2HD / 2HC / 2HDE / 2HS.


Download: XEiJ v0.15.06.08
Source: Here


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