
Xenia Git (2015/06/05)

EmuCR: XeniaXenia Git (2015/06/05) is compiled. Xenia is an experimental emulator for the Xbox 360. It does not run games (yet).

Xenia Status:
- Some code runs. [Insert any game name here] doesn't.
- Asserts! Crashes! Hangs! Blank screens!

Xenia Git Changelog:
* gl4: fix usage of struct as input/output variables
Apparently, structs cannot be used as in/out variables. This causes
shader compile errors on AMD (nVidia doesn't seem to care I guess?).
Remove the structs and put each struct members as its own variable.
* gl4: fix nullptr dereference in GL4Shader::CompileProgram
A nullptr dereference will occur when the disassembly string is not
found, which will obviously happen on AMD. Check for the condition and
if it is not found, put a message indicating so.
* gl4: fix glGetInteger of GL_SAMPLER_BINDING
GL_SAMPLER_BINDING returns a single value. On AMD drivers, using the
indexed version of glGetInteger to get that value causes a
GL_INVALID_ENUM error. Use the non-indexed version.
* Use the right sizes. Nice catch DrChat.
* Actually fixing the off by one in log buffer size.
* Make the log buffer stupid large.
* Fixing heap frees.
* Best-guess process info block.
* Fixing formatting.
* Fixing (or at least improving) TLS.
* Re-allow writes to 0. No clue why, but everything does it.
* Merge pull request #242 from DrChat/halo_fixes
Misc. Halo Fixes
* Protect page 0 with no access
* InterlockedFlushSList and rewrote InterlockedPopEntrySList
* Fix TLS copying (size may still be wrong though)
* Merge pull request #241 from DrChat/audio_decoding
Hookup libav logging
* Hookup libav logging
* Merge pull request #240 from DrChat/io_comp_stub
NtCreateIoCompletion stub

Download: Xenia Git (2015/06/05)
Source: Here


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