
MameDB v0.51

EmuCR: MameDBMameDB v0.51 is released. MameDB an Android app that supports you maintaining your Mame roms. This app is useful to you if you ever asked yourself one of the following questions (or similar ones)

* What "good" shooters would be supported by my RetroPie (Raspberry Pi), e.g. filter by version added = 37 (because this is the version used by RetroPie)
* What roms are missing in my collection? - filter by availability
* How many roms where added since my current mame version?
* How many unique roms do I have (excluding clones)?
* How many roms are emulated by Neo-Geo BIOS?
* How many roms remain, if I subtract all genres I don't like (e.g. Casino / Fruit Machines)?
* etcpp...

What the app is NOT:
* it doesn't include any roms
* it doesn't link to download resources
* it doesn't include ads & doesn't cost anything (though you are encouraged to donate - see button below or in app at the about screen -, if you find that app useful

The app uses the following PERMISSIONS:
* INTERNET: to access pictures
* READ/WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE: to im-/export files

MameDB v0.51 Changelog:
* v.51 fixes Problem with expanding bios lists
* update to Mame version 0.158

EmuCR: MameDB
EmuCR: MameDB
EmuCR: MameDB

Download: MameDB v0.51
Source: Here


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