
Attract-Mode v1.5

EmuCR: Attract-ModeAttract-Mode v1.5 is released. Attract-Mode is a graphical front-end for command line emulators such as MAME, MESS and Nestopia. It hides the underlying operating system and is intended to be controlled with a joystick, gamepad or spin dial, making it ideal for use in arcade cabinet setups. Attract-Mode is open source and runs on Linux, Mac OS-X and Windows.

- Configuration menu for easy configuration of most settings.
- Fully scriptable display layouts written in the Squirrel programming language.
- Includes the "Attrac-Man" layout, a playable Pacman-inspired game that unfolds around the edges of your game menu.
Frontend controls can be mapped to any joystick, keyboard or mouse input.
- User configurable sounds and ambient music.
- Display images, videos and information related to specific games.
- Supports screen rotation and flipping (including auto-rotation).
- Filter game lists based on specific attributes.
- Automatically generate game lists from directory contents.
- Import game information from MAME/MESS -listxml and -listsoftware commands.
- Catver.ini and nplayers.ini file support.
- Unicode character (UTF-8) support.
- Configurable screensaver.

Attract-Mode v1.4.0 Changelog:
- Added ability to display MaLa layouts (vertical and horizontal). beta
- Various filter improvements (global filters, filter based on file availability, filter mechanical and CHD games)
- Added ability to display artwork and game information from multiple filters at the same time. Added a filter-grid layout with filters organized into separate grid columns.
- Added Ctrl-V clipboard pasting to config mode (Windows and OS X only).
- Added ability to configure an exit hotkey that forces an emulator to exit.
- Added liquid8d's ExtendedObject, Animate and SpriteSheet modules.
- Improved importing of Steam information.
- Fixed artifacts when scaling videos at low resolution.
- Added ability to specify filter rules when generating/importing rom lists from the command line.
- Various improvements to the included screensaver and layouts, including configurable controls for Blinky in the Attrac-Man minigame.
- Scripting improvement: added "EndNavigation" transitions.
- Many, many other bug fixes and improvement.

EmuCR: Attract-Mode

Download: Attract-Mode v1.5 x86
Download: Attract-Mode v1.5 x86
Source: Here


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