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EmuCR: VGBAVirtual GameBoy Advance v4.5 for Android is released. Virtual GameBoy Advance (VGBA) is a program that emulates Nintendo's GameBoy Advance on your computer. It runs GameBoy Advance games on PCs, PDAs, or just about any other sufficiently fast computer. It also helps debugging GameBoy Advance software without using a costly development system.

Virtual GameBoy Advance v4.5 for Android Changelog:
* Now saving VBA-compatible .SAV files by default.
* Disabling windows with invalid coordinates (fixed Sword Of Mana).
* Resetting rotation when BG size changes (fixed Rayman 3 Swamp Zone).
* If Duel Masters doesn't work, truncate it to 4MB, 8MB file is wrong.
* Fixed After Burner in Sega Arcade (by handling illegal reads).
* Fixed playfield and in-game saves in Crazy Taxi (no longer hangs).
* Fixed screenshots when using custom screen.
* Fixed crashes when drawing custom screen and overlay.


Download: Virtual GameBoy Advance v4.5 for Android
Source: Here


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