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EmuCR: puNESpuNES v0.88 is released. puNES is a NES emulator. Currently the program supports mappers 0, MMC1, UNROM, CNROM, and the sound is available. It uses the SDL libraries and it works on both Linux and Windows.

puNES v0.88 Changelog

Added the possibility to save and load the color palette to/from file. The file format is the same used by FCEUX:
"Palette files are expected to Contain 64 8-bit RGB triplets (each in that order, red comes first in the triplet in the file, then green, then blue).".
To experiment take a look at this post http://forums.nesdev.com/viewtopic.php?f=21&t=11281

Download: puNES v0.88 for win32
Download: puNES v0.88 for win64
Source: Here


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