Citra romfs-archive Git (2014/06/26) is compiled. Citra romfs-archive is a branch of Citra. Citra is an experimental open-source Nintendo 3DS emulator/debugger written in C++. At this time, it only emulates a very small subset of 3DS hardware, and therefore is only useful for booting/debugging very simple homebrew demos. Citra is licensed under the GPLv2. Refer to the license.txt file included.
Citra romfs-archive Git Changelog:
* Kernel: Added stubbed code to support creation of kernel Archive objects.
* Core: Removed unused directory_file_system and meta_file_system modules.
Core: Updated CMakeLists.txt to remove directory_file_system and meta_file_system modules.
* Loader: Refactored loading functions to only read data from binary if called.
NCCH: Updated LoadExec to use Memory::WriteBlock function to load binary code.
* MemMap: Added a WriteBlock function to write a buffer of data to memory.
* ELF: Refactored LoadInto(..) to use memcpy, removed unnecessary code.
* Loader: Refactored use of const.
Download: Citra romfs-archive Git (2014/06/26) x86
Source: Here
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