Reicast Git (2014/05/05) is compiled. reicast is a multi-platform Dreamcast emulator. The project is currently in Alpha, usability, performance and stability issues are to be expected. Cortex-A9 dualcore, 1ghz+ is the minimum hardware for decent speeds.
Reicast Git Changelog:
* i loves me some markdown
* build badge!
* updated apk path in travis.yml, not we just need a working host for uploading the builds
* updated travis.yml with recent build steps
* Merge pull request #468 from LoungeKatt/master
Remove some test changes, Use drawable swap function
* Remove some test changes, Use drawable swap function
* Merge pull request #460 from LoungeKatt/master
Get filename when info disabled, Regex to avoid invalids
* Compatibility with compilers on non-Ubuntu platforms
* Add the preliminary menu option to swap a utopia disk
* Initial testing of "coverflow" integration for XMB menus
* Get filename when info disabled, Regex to avoid invalids
* Cleanup textures after they are dead for a while
* Please do a sanity test before pushing your changes.
I should also start following the above advice. :p
* Merge pull request #462 from AndroidGX/patch-1
French update about strings.xml
* French update about strings.xml
(lines and things to match latest english original strings.xml file).
* Merge pull request #457 from LoungeKatt/master
Temporary fix for names not matching requirements
* Disable internet components when detail option disabled
Download: Reicast Git (2014/05/05)
Source: Here
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