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EmuCR: MAME Plus!
MAME Plus! v0.153 r5137 is compiled. New version of this MAME Emulator for Windows. MAME Plus! has many features to make it a great unoffical build.

MAME Plus! SVN Changelog:
*fixed load command glyph

Download: MAME Plus! v0.153 r5137 x86
Download: MAME Plus! v0.153 r5137 x64
Download: MAME Plus! GUI
Source: Here


  1. Replies
    1. Mame-plus sucks.. better try MAMEuiFX http://mame32fx.altervista.org/home.htm

    2. For me the best emu upthere is only mameui, it's original, normal, and no problems with nothing. Why we need plugins? For graphics? Save your Graphic Card :)


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