
Citra Git (2014/04/28)

EmuCR: CitraCitra Git (2014/04/28) is compiled. Citra is an experimental open-source Nintendo 3DS emulator/debugger written in C++. At this time, it only emulates a very small subset of 3DS hardware, and therefore is only useful for booting/debugging very simple homebrew demos. Citra is licensed under the GPLv2. Refer to the license.txt file included.

Citra Git Changelog:
* added virtual address conversion for firmware FW0B
* fix for issue Linux build #9, not sure why this is broken but its unused code I'm just getting rid of it
* Merge branch 'hle-interface-updates'
* removed DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN in favor of NonCopyable class
* fixed weird spacing
* removed commented out line - this was for an unimplemented MRC call, no longer need to leave this here
* fixed renderer to use correct framebuffer location
* hackish but working way to set the framebuffer location to VRAM (used in ARM11 demos tested thus far, e.g. yeti3DS)
* added helper functions to mem_map to convert physical addresses to virtual addresses
* added code to LCD modules keep track of framebuffer location in FCRAM or VRAM

Download: Citra Git (2014/04/28)
Source: Here


  1. Oh man. I hope this is the beginning of something great.

    1. It will take a very Long while, before we can play commercial games. It might take us 2020 or more.

    2. Yes I am sure, don't get confident that just because you see a emulator you going to think to yourself were going to have tons of games so soon. It's not that easy.

    3. MAME is the same crap and people think this is not make any sence at all.
      Yes it makes sence, because if we saw the documents we can able to count many years have.
      We need to wait for a 100% playable game, and we can´t because the devs are disappearing all over this years.
      Now tell me i'm gay or a freaking idiot on the web.

    4. That seems, Like a Valid Argument.

    5. Your welcome.

    6. is need 2-4/10 year for can running commercial game depend how much documentation about 3DS. so far key to decrypt ROM and Save is missing, or is still need help from 3DS hardware to decrypt.

      in short, do not expect it will can run commercial ROM on this year or next year or never, is depend developer mood and motivate, and remember this project for hobby purpose. don't complaining and forcing developer because is cannot run commercial ROM.

    7. Complaining and Forcing, that is the problem from a few users.
      MAME was released 4 months ago and they complaning about the delay.

    8. That is also a Valid argument.

  2. Its unknown how long it will take probably at least 2-3 years.

    1. That is true too.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.


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