
MedGui Reborn v0.048

EmuCR: MedGui Reborn
MedGui Reborn v0.048 is released. MedGui is a GUI (Frontend) for Mednafen WINDOW OS.

MedGui Reborn v0.048 Changelog:
- Cleaned up and rewrote much of the source code
- Eliminated separate control of the GUI options and integrated all in the main form
- Rewritten the module that was responsible for saving the settings of the GUI, now reflects the standard ini file
- Changed the section in game iso utility, section now incorporates the custom palettes maker for Gameboy mono and a maker of GBA save type, useful to start gba games with backup save problems.
- Added psxt001z.exe (by Dremora) to detect the real names of iso psx, can be used to correctly rename a psx bin/img file and to create its cue/toc compatible file (only work with game that have inside a SYSTEM.CNF file), the iso database format are maked by CaptainCPS-X.
- Added the ability to hide unwanted columns from the Roms grid
- Now the key used previously to open the GUI options, will open the window Mednafen settings with full console options

EmuCR: MedGui Reborn

Download: MedGui Reborn v0.048
Source: Here


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