MAME SVN r25924 is compiled. MAME stands for Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator. When used in conjunction with images of the original arcade game's ROM and disk data, MAME attempts to reproduce that game as faithfully as possible on a more modern general-purpose computer. MAME can currently emulate several thousand different classic arcade video games from the late 1970s through the modern era.
MAME SVN Changelog:
Minimal fix for MT05348 (nw)
Replaced hack code for saving nc200 ram with legacy nvram saving, you can now shut down the emulation and start it up without losing everything. However you must press the on button before exiting (default END key). [smf]
ppccom.c - Fix and simplify PPC4xx DMA interrupt logic. Fixes goal animations in fiveside. [Phil Bennett]
Fixed the MC146818 modernisation so that local/utc & whether a century is stored in nvram can be specified in a sane way. Removed the century updating as this chip doesn't do that, but each driver can specify where the century should be sto...
tms9995: Cycles fine-tuned, almost complete. (nw)
i286: fix trap flag (nw)
Device-ified vector.c. (nw)
vsnes.c: flip the 'right' and 'left' half roms for vs baseball english set to match rom labels from recent rom redump, also fixed labels to exactly match chips. [Lord Nightmare, Dead_Body]
More SDL header fixes for clang / emscripten (nw)
Download:MAME SVN r25924 x86
Download:MAME SVN r25924 x64
Source: Here
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