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EmuCR: Steem SSESteem SSE v3.5.2 is released. Steem is an emulator for the Atari STE computer created many years ago by Anthony and Russell Hayward. Steem SSE is a new version of Steem based on this release. 'SSE' stands for 'Steven Seagal Edition'. Steven Seagal is a well known Aikido grandmaster, action movie star, musician and playboy.

Steem SSE v3.5.2 Changelog:

- Bugfix options 'Drive track info', 'Pasti only for STX' on/off (Win32)
- Drive track info: no sector when fast mode
- Infobox will display SSE readme and FAQ; new font and size
- More screenshots (100,000 instead of 1,000)
- Bugfix CPU: Aladin, Fuzion 77 78 84
- MFP: some improvements/refactoring inspired by Hatari (IACK, IRQ delay)
- Blitter: writing 0 in #lines register translates into 65536.
- Bugfix line -106 bytes shifter trick threshold (Just Buggin')
- Shifter trick STE line +20, shift display (Riverside)
- Bugfix read SDP: Mindbomb/No Shit (vs. SNYD/TCB)
- Internal: new method for demos that destablise the shifter (option
"STF wake-up state 2")
- Some ACIA bugfixes and improvements (High Fidelity Dreams, Overdrive Demos,
- Floppy disk: handle when there's no disk in drive (European Demos)
- Sound: renounce for now anti-aliasing attempts

EmuCR: Steem SSE

Download: Steem SSE v3.5.2
Source: Here

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