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EmuCR:WinUAEWinUAE v2.6.1 Beta 2 is released. WinUAE is the commodore amiga emulator for Windows. WinUAE is a mostly complete software emulation of the hardware of the Commodore Amiga 500/1000/2000. A Commodore Amiga, for those who don’t know, is a 16/32 bit computer system based on the Motorola 680×0 CPU and a few specially designed custom chips that provide very good graphics and sound capabilities. Its first incarnation, the A1000, appeared in 1985, followed by the highly successful A500 and A2000 models. WinUAE is a port of the originally written for Unixish systems UAE; but over time, it seems the Windows port, WinUAE has become the best version available on any platform. WinUAE is free software: you are welcome to distribute copies of it and/or modify it, under certain conditions. There is no warranty of any kind for UAE. For more details concerning these issues, please read the GNU General Public License, which describes the terms under which WinUAE is distributed.

WinUAE v2.6.1 Beta 2 changelog:
- Moved >2M Chip RAM merge earlier in boot process. Previous was too late and it broke early boot menu. (It sets reset proof resident positioned at the end of chip ram and if chip ram is not available early enough, exec assumes resident is invalid and ignores it). Now nearly complete unfragmented Chip RAM is available, even if booting with Chip RAM only configuration.
- Do not filter all keyboard presses without matching releases, only filter repeats. (Which isn't that simple because press and repeating press are identical events)
- Inverted keyboard releases (=press) required matching release before next press event was accepted. (This update wasn't really needed but maybe in future it will be more useful)
- Added separate 68060 unimplemented integer emulation checkbox. More compatible should only enable/disable prefetch emulation. (approximate/partial or 68000 exact)
- 68060 MOVEP was not marked as unimplemented.
- Non-prefetch CPU mode now fully checks if memory disappears after reset by checking memory "bank" pointers instead of using hardcoded addresses. Program doing software reset by executing RESET + JMP (An) now always works. (If opcode is something else or PC points to non-existing memory for some reason, it assumes program attempted normal software reset and jumps to start of ROM code). Makes aros arosbootstrap softkick more reliable under emulation.
- Tree view "Hard drives" -> "CD & Hard drives"
- Delay 68020+ interrupt detection by one instruction unless cycle exact is enabled. (For example Skeleton Krew CD32 first enables interrupt and then updates interrupt vector. Game code even guarantees request is active while enabling interrupts..)
- 68040 MMU PTEST and 68060 MMU PLPA instructions were shown incorrectly by debugger. (Read was shown as write and vice versa. Emulation was working fine)

TODO: hq2x shader filter fix and 2.6.1 should be mostly done.

Download: WinUAE v2.6.1 Beta 2
Source: Here


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