Wayder XML Cheat Collection for MAME 0.149 is released. It's a cheat pack for mame.
Earl type / R-Type (Rtype, rtypeb, rtypej, rtypejp, rtypeu) [Rapid Fire (fix)] Modified version of the fire cheat Shoot the wave motion gun when you release the button while the wave motion gun there is an accumulation of [Quick Charge Wave Canon] Gauge of the wave motion gun will now accumulate immediately ※ Please use the cheat of this place when used with [(fix) Rapid Fire]. Earl type Ⅱ / R-Type 2 (Rtype2, rtype2j, rtype2jc) [Rapid Fire (fix)] Modified version of the fire cheat Shoot the wave motion gun when you release the button while the wave motion gun there is an accumulation of [Quick Charge] Gauge of the wave motion gun will now accumulate immediately Is (toggle) normal operation after it accumulated in the [Wave Canon] I would be able to shoot the diffusion wave motion gun always in [Scattering Only] ※ Please use the cheat of this place when used with [(fix) Rapid Fire]. [Weapon Change Button] I can switch the missile switching of laser, a button 4 button 3 Assault / Assault (Assault, assaultj, assaultp) [Granade Change Mode] I want to change type grenades and shot Switch the mode that you and the (open lever to the left and right) operation to shoot grenade Asuka & Asuka / Asuka & Asuka (Asuka, asukaj) [Rapid Fire] Fire of shot Athena / Athena (Athena) [Time Limit Enemies] I do not want the appearance of permanent character in the prevention performance [Not Appear] The stops also remaining time in addition to [Not Appear & Time] above It will appear in the timed only flying population in Tan [Only Flying Pyutan] I will appear in timed only Bishop in [Only Bishop] Hisashi performance prevention character will always maximum number appearance in the [Always Appear] [Select Weapon (fix)] Modified version of the weapon selection cheat [Select Shield] I am equipped with a shield It is a shield of iron [Iron Shield] It is a shield of bronze with [Bronze Shield] It is a shield of the lion in the [Lion's Shield] It is the strongest state in the shield of a lion in the [Maximum Power] [Select Armor] I am equipped with armor It is the armor of iron [Iron Armor] It is the armor of bronze in the [Bronze Armor] It is the armor of the brave in the [Warrior's Armor] It is the strongest state in the armor of the brave in the [Maximum Power] [Select Helmet] I am equipped with a helmet It becomes the helmet of iron [Iron Helmet] It becomes the helmet of bronze in the [Bronze Helmet] It becomes the helmet of the dragon [Dragon's Helmet] It is the strongest state of the helmet of dragon [Maximum Power] [Always have Blue Crystal Power] Effect of crystal ball of blue is always enabled [Always use Transform Item] You can fly in the air using wings always in [Wings of Pegasus] You can swim through the air Become a mermaid always [Necklace of Shell] Arabian / Arabian (Arabian, arabiana) [Select Speed] I will change the speed of the player 2 times faster [x2] Fastest [No Wait] Warrior / Arabian Argos (Rygar, rygar2, rygar3, rygarj) [Unlimited Jump] While holding down the jump button, I will continue to rise. Riot / Farmers Rebellion (Farmer, ikki) [Time State Display] I will display a number on the status of the right screen the remaining time When you took the rice balls, rice balls also displays [Infinite Time] I will stop reduces the time remaining [Always have Onigiri] So that it is ready took a rice ball always [Always have Key] So that it is ready took the key always [Always have Bamboo spear] I am equipped with a bamboo spear always [Always have Shadow clone] Art of alter ego is always followed, it is virtually invincible [Always have Speed up] It is to state that took the (speed up) blue scroll always. Kangaroo / Kangaroo (Kangaroo, kangarooa, kangaroob) [Quick Move] Movement speed of the player goes up Galaxy Wars / Galaxy Wars (Galxwars, galxwars2, galxwarst, starw, starw1) [Quick Move] I increase the movement speed of the missile I increase the movement speed of all [Always] And the time of the movement of the launch pad, I increase the movement speed at the time of injection in the [Jet injection] Gradius / Nemesis (Gradius, nemesis, nemesisuk) [Skip Blank Gauge Mode] When taking the capsule, you bypass by the frame until gauge is not a blank [Rapid Fire] Fire of shot [Select Weapon] It has the effect of a double-in [Double] It will be laser in [Laser] [Control Missile Mode] While the button is pressed, missile fell right below, and then launch forward when you release [Select Shield Size] I can change the size of the shield Crazy balloon / Crazy Balloon (Crbaloon, crbaloon2) [Infinite Time (Face Appears)] I should not issue a (boogeyman) face to appear in time [Select Starting Level] I can select the starting surface [Select Swing Wait] I can adjust the speed of the swing (weight) Great Sword Man / Crazy Balloon (Gsword, gsword2) [Quick Attack] Speed shake sword is faster Gain Ground / Gain Ground (Gground, ggroundj) [Round 4-8 Bugfix] Fix the bug that does not become clear it annihilated the enemy in round 4-8 It becomes clear when you destroy all enemies in the [Total Destruction] [Conform to World ver.] (Only ggroundj) (Same specifications as the overseas edition) will be clear when you kill the four enemies under [Conform to Japan ver.] (Only gground) (Same specifications as the Japanese version) does not become clear even to defeat the enemy of all Genpei 討魔 den / Genpei Toumaden (Genpeitd) Cheat of the Japanese version are also provided cheat Genpei 討魔 Den. I have entered the jp_chaet_wayder of cheat_wayder_omake.zip within, genpeitd.xml is the Japanese version cheat. [Scroll Item Count Display] Show me in the Chinese numeral the number of remaining wave sword Show me in the Chinese numeral the remaining time of whirlwind sword [Select Play Mode] Stage most is the plane mode [Top View Mode] Stage most is the transverse mode in the [Side View Mode] Stage most is the large mode in the [Big Mode] I automatically switching plane, the horizontal in each stage to [(Auto Change) Top / Side] Transverse mode surface, there is a bonus to the stage all [Bonus Stage Mode] [Select Starting Stage] I can select the starting surface [Restart Stage] If you change the play mode, and re-start in terms of current Re-start from the selected face when in play mode OFF, the selected start the surface [Unlimited Jump] While holding down the jump button, I will continue to rise Transverse mode only enabled by [Only Side View Mode] It is enabled by large-mode and transverse mode in the [Side View / Big Mode] Cobra Command / Cobra Command (Cobracom, cobracomj) When you use, please (F3) reset once from making a cheat. [Rapid Fire - Shot] Fire of (cancer) surface-to-air attack [Rapid Fire - Missile] Of fire (missile) ground attack [Quick Charge Beam Canon] Reservoir of the beam cannon is faster Scion / Scion (Scion, scionc) [Always have Crystal Head Power] It is possible that the effect of crystal head does not go away and shoot the ground bullet always Side arm / Side Arms - Hyper Dyne (Sidearms, sidearmsj, sidearmsr) [Rapid Fire] I will shorten the firing interval of AUTO rate of fire and shot [Invincibility (fix)] Modified version of the invincible cheat [Always have Auto (fix)] Modified version of the auto equipment Can also change the weapons that you equipped with the AUTO (Yashichi) in the [On], take Sakichi It becomes Yashichi fixed [Yashichi], it does not change even taking Sakichi It becomes Sakichi fixed [Sakichi], it does not change even taking Yashichi Nix Oscar Psycho / Psycho-Nics Oscar (Oscar, oscarj1, oscarj2, oscaru) [Unlimited Jump] While holding down the jump button, I will continue to rise. [Always have Quick] I will always enable quick. [Get Armor Now!] I am equipped with armor Shock Troopers / Shock Troopers (Shocktro, shocktroa) [Rapid Fire] Fire of shot Shock Troopers Second Squad / Shock Troopers - 2nd Squad (Shocktr2, lans2004) [Rapid Fire] Fire of shot [Quick Charge Vehicle Weapon] Shot reservoir when I got to the vehicle will be faster [Select Weapon] Delete per head family been addressed New employee Toru-kun / Mikie (Mikie, mikiehs, mikiej) [Rapid Fire Attack] I will running fire of head butt, hip-attack Strider 2 / Strider 2 (Shiryu2, strider2, strider2a) [Unlimited Jump] Infinite jump [Unlimited MidareGiri] I can many times give a sword to turbulence jump in once with [On] Put out a sword disturbed only ↑ + attack to jump in the [Easy Command] [Select Gravity] Deleted by not working [Always use boost] Delete per head family been addressed Springer / Springer (Springer) [Quick Move] I increase the movement speed of the player Space Panic / Space Panic (Panic, panic2, panic3, panicger, panich) [Quick Move] I increase the movement speed of the player I increase the movement speed of all [Always] I only raise the rate of hole digging, filling in [Digging Only] Swat / Swat (Swat) [Rapid Fire] Fire of shot Xevious / Xevious (Sxevious, sxeviousj, xevios, xevious) [Character Browser] I can view the appearance of the character Xevious Character selection up and down, left and right pattern selection The left and right while holding down the zapper, and continuous playback the pattern Under Hold down the zapper, flashing light When you press the blaster, color change of BG Self-Defense Forces / No Man's Land of Sengoku (Nomnlnd, nomnlndg) [Turret Fixed Button] While you hold down the button to lock the orientation of the turret Tiger Heli / Tiger Heli (Tigerh, tigerhb1, tigerhb2, tigerhb3, tigerhj) [Select Speed] I can be adjusted in 7 steps the speed of the aircraft [Always have Long Shot] Shot will now fly to screen edge [Select Another Weapon] I will be able to use weapons that do not exist in the normal play You fired a bullet toward the three-way forward in the [3-Way] You fired a bullet towards the opposite direction of the input direction in the [Control] The fired bullet forward in [Triple], and X-axis tracking of the aircraft Elegy / Trojan of struggle (Trojan, trojana, trojanj, trojanr) [Always Lunge a Sword] While you hold down the attack button will leave you sticking out the sword Master king / Truxton II (Truxton2) [Rapid Fire] Fire of shot [Select Speed] I can be changed in the range of 10-127 the speed of the aircraft Special Forces U.A.G. / Thundercade (Tndrcade, tndrcadej) [Always have Laser] I am equipped with a laser always Night Striker / Night Striker (Nightstr, nightstrj, nightstru) [Select Rapid Fire (Inter-Gray) "> Inter-fire shot of gray (player) [15 FPS], [20 FPS], [30 FPS], can be selected from [60 FPS] [Select Rapid Fire (Tinker-Bell) "> Shot fire Tinker Bell (optional) [15 FPS], [20 FPS], [30 FPS], can be selected from [60 FPS] [Select Difficulty "> I fix it with the selected value the difficulty [Watch Difficulty "> I will appear in the lower left of the screen the difficulty Hull 21 / HAL21 (Hal21, hal21j) [Energy Count Display] Invincible time will appear as a number at the bottom I have also quantified the remaining machine display while you're at it [Always have 4 Energy Panel] Holds four always the E panel, you will invincible just take one piece of the E panel [Infinite Energy (Invincibility)] Energy is not reduced, it is virtually invincible [Rapid Fire] Fire of shot Vargas / Vulgus (Vulgus, vulgusa, vulgusj) [Rapid Fire] Fire of shot Bar trick / Valtric (Valtric) [Select Warp Time] I can change the remaining time of default of time warp [Infinite Warp Timer] Deleted because it is unnecessary if there is a cheat above Flying shark / Flying Shark (Fshark, fsharkbl, fsharkbla, fsharkbt, hishouza, skyshark) [Select Speed] I will modify the speed of the aircraft [Another Weapon] I will change significantly the shot direction by the power-up state I fired a bullet in two directions before and after Stage 1: You fired a bullet in three directions: forward two steps I fired a bullet in four directions front, back, left and right: three stages I fired a bullet in the five-way forward Step 4: I fired a bullet in four directions and diagonally forward: 5 stage Final Fight / Final Fight (Ffight, ffighta, ffightj, ffightj1, ffightj2, ffightu, ffightu1, ffightua, ffightub, fcrash, ffightbl) [Clone Pair Play Mode] I want to allow two people play simultaneously on the same character (Character selection will reflect the player 2 side) [Select Starting Round] I can select the starting surface [Change Next Round Now!] I can select a face next [Rapid Fire PL1] Attack button will fire in the [On] Jump and attack button will fire at [and Jump] All inputs will be fire in the [All Input] Fighting Fantasy / Hippodrome (Ffantasy, ffantasya, ffantasybl, hippodrm) [Rapid Fire] Fire the jump and attack Fire the normal [On] Speed waving a sword in the [Quick Motion] goes up Battle Fire / Fire Battle (Firebatl) [Rapid Fire] Fire on the ground and bullet shot Phoenix / Phoenix (Phoenix, avefenix, condor, falcon, falconz, fenix, griffon, nextfase, phoenix3, phoenixa, phoenixb, phoenixc, phoenixc2, phoenixc3, phoenixc4, phoenixj, phoenixs, phoenixt, vautour, vautourz, batman2, phoenxp2) [Always have 2nd fire] In terms of all, the bullet will be two fire Be Funky / Funky Bee (Funkybee, funkybeeb) [Select Speed] I can be adjusted in 11 steps the speed of the left and right movement of the aircraft Black Dragon / Black Tiger (Blkdrgon, blkdrgonb, blktiger, blktigera, blktigerb1, blktigerb2) [Rapid Fire] Fire and knife iron ball Fire the normal [On] Speed shake an iron ball in the [Quick Motion] goes up Flash gal / Flash Gal (Flashgal, flashgala) [Rapid Fire] Fire of shot Frogger / Frogger (Frogf, frogger, froggermc, froggers1, froggers2, frogg, froggers, froggrs) [Rapid Move] The fire to the arrow keys, you can move at the push leave Probe Planet / Planet Probe (Pprobe) [Rapid Fire] Fire of shot [Infinite Lives] Deleted by upstream support [Invincibility] Delete each can be set by DIP switch Robo Hopper / Hopper Robo (Hopprobo) [Quick Move] Movement speed of the player goes up Porakkusu / Pollux (Pollux, polluxa, polluxa2) [Always have Auto Fire] It is ready to took the items of "Auto Fire" always [Maximum Fire Power] And (4 stage) to maximum firepower shot [Always have Homing Missile] It is ready to took the items of "homing missile" always [Select Weapon] I can choose from three types of weapons Normal shot [Power Laser] 4-way shot at [Cross Laser] Wide shot [Wide Beam] [Select Speed] I can be adjusted in 10 steps the speed of the aircraft Volfied / Volfied (Volfied, volfiedj, volfiedjo, volfiedu) [Invincibility] It will be invincible in the state that shield with always drawing in [Always have Speed] The state that has the speed items always [Always have Power] The state that has the power items always [Always have Timer] So that it is ready had a timer items always [Always have Clash] So that it is ready had a crash items always [Select Weapon] I am equipped with a laser always in the [Laser] I am equipped with a special shot always in the [Special] [Select Boss Size] I can fix in the stage 9 the size of the boss Majestic Twelve / Super Space Invaders '91 (Majest12, ssi, ssia) [Maximum Fire Power] Bullet will power up to three fire [Rapid Fire] Fire of shot [Rescued Cow Abduction Automatically] I will escape on their own cattle be abduction bonus stage Manhattan / Manhattan (Cmanhat) [Hyper Jump] In the first jump, I will arrive up to the top floor easily (You die if you fail the jump itself) Meta Fox / Meta Fox (Metafox) [Rapid Fire (Select Interval)] I will increase the fire power of AUTO I can select "No wait," "1 wait" from "2 wait" UFO Robodanga / Ufo Robo Dangar (Dangar, dangar2, dangarb) [Rapid Fire (fix)] Modified version of the fire cheat I suppress the fire interval when using the weapon of wide system in the [Enable Wide] Fire interval will be on state always be the shortest in the [Disable Wide] Weapons wide system will not only shoot bullets in the front direction [Select Docking Parts] (Formation number is fixed) You can choose the combined parts State became a robot to combine three aircraft in the [(Normal) Robot] State equipped with a robot + wave cancer [(Wave Gun) Robot] State that Units 1 and 2 were combined in [No.2] State that Unit 3 and Unit 1 was combined with [No.3] The state of being united with UFO1 Unit in the [UFO No.1] The state of being united with UFO2 Unit in the [UFO No.2] The state of being united with UFO3 Unit in the [UFO No.3] Specter travel journal / Shadow Land (Shadowld, youkaidk, youkaidko) [Pious Gauge View Mode] I will visualize the Pious value that was in the NES version (Full tank: Heaven, 3/4: the human world, 1/2: damn field, 1/4: brat field, sky: hell world) [Select Ending] I can choose the ending [Ten-Kai] in heaven (Heaver) [Ningen-Kai] in the human world (Human World) [Chikusho-Kai] damn field in (Beast World) [Gaki-Kai] brat in the world (Demon World) [Jugoku-Kai] hell in the world (Hell) [Call Monmotaro Start Button] When you press the start button, and then summon the - mon also Taro To return to the original and press the start button again [Always have Douchu Manju] (Food) The state that has "bun along the way (Food)" and always [Always have Carl Ruisu] (Speed) The state that has "Carl mandatory class (Speed)" is always the [Always have Kappa no Mizukaki] (Frog Feet) The state that has "webbed Kappa (Frog Feet)" the always [Always have Heart] So that it is ready had a "heart" always [Always have Sanshu no Jingi] (Three Sacred Treasures) So that it is ready had a (wood, fire, rock) three sacred treasures always [Always stay Toraji] Trasimeno invincible (cat) will now come with always [Always stay Gonta] Gonta invincible (the dog) will now come with always [Always Old Age Mode] I want to state old man always [Always have Penetrate Power] Specter psychic powers will be through bullet always [Select Shot Power] I can change the power of psychokinesis specter (However, usually bombs shoot reservoir and I will be the same power) [Select Speed] I will modify the movement speed of the player Fast as the state took the (Speed) Carl mandatory class in [08] 2 times faster [24] 3 times faster [40] [Unlimited Jump] While holding down the jump button, I will continue to rise. [Time Enemy Appears] Timed character will not come out at all in the [Stop] Small frog comes up to the limit at all times [Kogaeru] Face neck with comes up to the limit at all times [Kaokubituki] Miasma (white) comes up to the limit at all times [(White) Dokuke] Spirit appeared to the limit always extruded in [Oshidashirei] Hell fire comes up to the limit at all times [Jigokubi] Bird comes up to the limit at all times [Tori] Wicked den / Youjyuden (Youjyudn) [Rapid Fire] I will fire the maser and usually shot [Long Shot] Flying distance of the maser and normal shot is extended [Select States] It is to walk always in the [Always Walking] It will be flying in the state [(Except boss area) Flying] [Always have Speed up] (State took the feather items) that ship will speed up always [Always Extinguished] Effect took the red drug effectiveness is always, I annihilates Zakopane Rasutansaga / Rastan (Rastan, rastana, rastanu, rastanua, rastanub, rastsaga, rastsagaa) [Rapid Fire] Faster speed shake sword attack and fire button Fire the normal [On] Speed waving a sword in the [Quick Motion] goes up Rasutansaga Ⅱ / Nastar (Nastar, nastarw, rastsag2) [Rapid Fire (No Wait)] No weight of the speed waving sword [Invincibility (fix)] Modified version of the invincible cheat Route 16 / Route 16 (Route16, route16a, route16b, routex) I will change the speed of the player 2 times faster [x2] Top speed at all times [No Wait] Ray Force / Gunlock (Gunlock, rayforce, rayforcej) [Rapid Fire - Shot (fix)] Modified version of the fire cheat Raison / Rezon (Rezon, rezont) [Vaws Fixed Button] While the button is pressed 2, I will fix the orientation of the Bow (Not fixed any shot when you are firing while the button is released 2) [Select vaws angle] [Select shot angle] [Another mode] Deleted because it is unnecessary if there is the cheat Lot / Lot Lot (Lotlot) [Follow Stick Fixed Button] While the button is pressed 2, I will restrict the movement of the rear stick · Bug fixes btlfield, btlfieldb, timesold, timesold1, fround, froundl, hpuncher, msh, msha, mshb, mshh, mshj, mshjr1, mshu, mshud, todruaga, todruagao, varth, varthj, varthr1, varthu, [Get ~ Now!] aliensyn7 [Rapid Fire] guwange, guwanges [Infinite Combo Gauge] [Keep Side Speed] [Select Speed] [Select Character] kof95, kof95h [Easy Burn Knuckle] jongbou [Paddle Follow Cursor] While you hold down the Start in [Press Start to Use], I will be linked While away at the start [Release Start to Use], I will be linked srdarwin, srdarwinj [Select Evolution] zerowing, zerowing2 [Rapid Fire] dariusg, dariusgj, dariusgu, dariusgx [Rapid Fire] nebulray, nebulrayj [3rd Button Shot Mode] Assign a shot in the third button in the [On] Shot will be in the fire [On + Rapid Fire] Shot is made of fire in the [On + Unlimited], I will also released limited number of bullets Internal processing change fa, fghtatck kidniki, kidnikiu, lithero, yanchamr gunfront, gunfrontj galaga, galagamf, galagamk, galagamw, galagao, gallag, gatsbee citybomb, citybombj scontra, scontraj slapfigh, alcon, slapfigha, slapfighb1, slapfighb2, slapfighb3 timetunl fantzn2x, fantzn2xp, shinfz, (fz2dx) fpoint, fpoint1, fpointbj, fpointbl mrgoemon ladykill, moegonta · Add / Remove file 3wondersr1, akumajou, akumajoun, cawingb2, cawingbl, ccbootmr, cclimbroper, ffightbl, forgottnuaa, hcastlee, hcastlek, kof97oro, rcasino1, rcasinoo, rdfts, rfjetsa, sf2acc, sf2acca, sf2amf, sf2m8, sf2rb2, sf2rb3, sf2rk, sf2stt, sfz2jr1, srumbler3, ssf2tbh, starbladj, tnextspc2, vastar3, vastar4, vimanaj, wbmlbge, wbmljb, wbmlvc, xmcotar1, xmcotar1d, xsleenaj hcastlej, hcastleo, hcastljo, vimana1, xmcotad The file name change Kroon add / remove by body update murogemb, murogembl, todruagas, parodiue Add / Remove clones were missing at the time of renewal up to the previous cfishing, coolridr, grasspin, findlove Delete the xml file by upstream support |
Download: Wayder XML Cheat Collection for MAME 0.149
Source: Here
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