
MAME SVN r23733

MAMEMAME SVN r23733 is compiled. MAME stands for Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator. When used in conjunction with images of the original arcade game's ROM and disk data, MAME attempts to reproduce that game as faithfully as possible on a more modern general-purpose computer. MAME can currently emulate several thousand different classic arcade video games from the late 1970s through the modern era.

MAME SVN Changelog:
jackal.c: Corrected rom names and added PCB locations to them. Added correct roms for the bootleg version. [Brian Troha]
New Savage Quest bios dump, still marked bad as there are still issues however they may be emulation related [Trevor Brown]
Changed "features" to "identify device". Don't set DRDY immediately when executing identify device as a timer is fired that will set it and trigger an interrupt anyway. Diagnostics fail if no identify device response is available. Set corre...
powervr2: Explode the dma registers [O. Galibert]
memory: Need moar tables [O. Galibert]
super-paranoid check (to my knowledge nothing triggers these, if no nvram is available, but who knows if we need them in future). nw.
fixed crash when reading from non existent hard drive (nw)
Fixed ct486 booting with two chd's loaded. Moved the GNET protection command processing to ataflash.c (nw)
i286: repurpose unneeded static config as a20 line callback (nw) pc9801: experiment on 9801ux (nw) pc: use irq delay from pcjr for pcjx (nw)
de_2: Moved Laser War to de_2, as CPU Type 1 and Alphanumeric Type 1 are very much similar to Type 2. de_1.c is no longer needed. Added layout for Alphanumeric Type 3 games. [Barry Rodewald]
simplified status flags & fixed ct486 booting in mess (nw)

Download:MAME SVN r23733 x86
Download:MAME SVN r23733 x64
Source: Here


  1. New Savage Quest bios dump, still marked bad as there are still issues however they may be emulation related [Trevor Brown]

    yes they dumped a new bios NO hteres still issues :( kkp it up trevor brown youll get there soon enough :D

    1. This don´t belong to mamedev.

    2. indeed it deosnt this is random emulation devs working on mame from somewhere out there lol :L


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