
VGMToolbox SVN r924

VGMToolbox SVN r924 is released. VGMToolbox is a C# based tool to assist VGM collectors and dumpers. It includes tools to extract, optimize, and build VGM formats as well as auditing and exploration utilities. [GBS, KSS, MDX, NSF(E), SID, S98, SPC, VGM, XA, XMA, xSF (PSF/PSF2/etc)].

VGMToolbox SVN r924 Changelog:
-= NEW =-
Nothing visible.

[VIDEO DEMUXER] Add Electronic Arts MPC format, pretty much exactly like EA VP6 except only one video chunk type (MPCh).
[OGG EXTRACTOR] Add offset to file name for segmented tracks.
[MPEG DEMUXER] Add commented hack for a bad .PAM file.

-= FIXED =-
[VIDEO DEMUXER] Fix VP6 files where audio header (SCHl, SHEN) comes before video header (MVHD).
- Fix rebuilder to check for non-VGMT checksums and fix CRCs that begin with zero.
- Fix file locking for reading GENH files.

EmuCR: VGMToolbox

Download: VGMToolbox SVN r924
Source: Here


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