
PPSSPP Git (2013/01/09)

EmuCR: PPSSPPPPSSPP Git (2013/01/09) is compiled. PPSSPP is a fast and portable PSP emulator for Android, Windows, Mac, and Linux, written in C++.

PPSSPP Git Changelog:
* Merge pull request #371 from unknownbrackets/mp3-fix
Really quick sceMp3 crashfix
* Quick mp3 crashfix.
Not heavily tested, but doesn't crash anymore and just fake anyway.
* Merge pull request #370 from unknownbrackets/lbn
Fix sce_lbn handling
* Return an error if the raw lbn is too high.
* Make filesystem prefix matching case fold.
Even Ms0:/, disC0:/ and HoSt0:/ etc. work.
* Fix it so headless can actually mount isos.
* Fix basic seeking within an lbn raw file.
* Fix sce_lbn parsing for missing 0x, etc.
* Merge pull request #369 from raven02/master
Some real stubs for sceMp3
* Add some real stubs for sceMp3
* Merge pull request #366 from Summeli/master
fixed memorymanagement so JIT could work on Symbian
* Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Summeli/ppsspp
* Modified memorymanagement for JIT in Symbian


Download: PPSSPP Git (2013/01/09) x86
Download: PPSSPP Git (2013/01/09) x64
Download: PPSSPP Git (2013/01/09) for Android
Source: Here


  1. Final Fantasy Type-0 running with minimal effort on my PC

    1. glad to hear that =) cant wait for playable moment. thanks to author as well


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