
AdvanceMAME v1.2

EmuCR: AdvanceMAMEAdvanceMAME v1.2 is released. AdvanceMAME is a port of the MAME™ and MESS emulators for Arcade Monitors and TVs but also for normal PC Monitors.

AdvanceMAME v1.2 Changelog:
* Fixed compilation with modern compilers.
* Fixed the "alsa" audio driver in Linux. In modern distributions it was generating no sound.
* Fixed a crash at exit when SMP is enabled.
* Added a new option display_magnifysize to define the area to target with display_magnify auto.
* Renamed the 'scale' video effect to 'scalex'.
* Added the new 'xbr' video scaling effect. Better than 'hq'.
* Added the new 'scalek' video effect. Better than 'scalex' and faster than 'xbr'.
* If display_resizeeffect is auto, the default effect is now 'xbr', but it's decreased at runtime
to 'scalek', or 'scalex' if speed is required.
* Removed blitting cache optimization. With modern caches it's not needed anymore.
* Changed default doc/man dirs to prefix/doc and prefix/man.
* Now in git repository.
* Removed DLL files from the Windows distribution. New new compiler uses static libraries.
* Compiled with SDL-1.2.14, zlib-1.2.5, expat-2.0.1, freetype-2.4.4, pthreads-w32-2-8-0.

Download: AdvanceMAME v1.2
Source: Here


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