
Virtual Jaguar Git (2012/12/03)

EmuCR:Virtual JaguarVirtual Jaguar Git (2012/12/03) is compiled. Virtual Jaguar is an open source emulator based on Jagem (Virtual Jaguar) for Linux, MacOS X, and Windows. The source also compiles on BeOS. Virtual Jaguar is an awesome Atari Jaguar emulator with great compatibility.

Virtual Jaguar Git Changelog:
* Merge branch 'master' of http://shamusworld.gotdns.org/git/virtualjaguar
Sometimes things get out of sync... :-P
* Added preliminary M68K disassembly browser.
* Changed some formatting on the stack trace and OP list dump.
* Fixed missing paren in jaguar.cpp :-P
* Added Object Processor browser window for debug mode.
* Added bad dump to file DB, tweaks to screen position.

Download: Virtual Jaguar Git (2012/12/03)
Download: Qt SDL Framework (required for Win32)
Source: Here


  1. Funciona peor que antes, va muy lento y se traba con muchos juegos.


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