
hpsx64 v002

EmuCR: PlayStationhpsx64 v002 is released. hpsx64 (Highly-Experimental Playstation Simulator x64) is a PlaysStation (PS) & PlayStation 2 (PS2) emulator for x64 based systems. This is a WORK IN PROGRESS.

hpsx64 v002 Changelog:
hps1x64 - Playstation 1 simulator
Status: In development - Pre-initial Source code and binary release - Development/Testing usage only
Current Version:
v002 - pre-initial release 2 - improved compatibility, improved speed, improved accuracy. If something is not working, try enabling analog first thing.
v001 - pre-initial release - only use this version if you intend to test or evaluate progress
Older Versions:
v000 - pre-initial evaluation only release
Note: Much of this is my own work, but this program also uses specially selected components from "MAME/MESS" and "pcsx", and possibly other programs.

hps2x64 - Playstation 2 simulator
Status: In development - Not ready for release

Download: hpsx64 v002
Source: Here


  1. ha brilliant good job being about ten years late where the pcsx devs have finished emulating ps1 and ps2 cant wait till they move on to ps3

  2. "but this program also uses specially selected components from "MAME/MESS" and "pcsx", and possibly other programs."


  3. Наконец таки, новый эмулятор PS2!

    Удачи в разработке! Надеюсь, будет лучше, чем PCSX 2.

  4. Oh good current PS2 emulator is really bad
    I can play Crysis 2 fine but when it comes to God of War on Pcsx2 it's unplayable on lowest settings

    1. your computer sucks lol just sayin...get rid of the single core 1.2ghz and your 32mb integrated graphics then come back and give your results guy.

    2. Your comparing apples and oranges.Just because you can play a PC game on a PC doesnt mean you can run an entire emulated system @ full speed.

    3. Your comparing apples and oranges.Just because you can play a PC game on a PC doesnt mean you can run an entire emulated system @ full speed.

    4. I could play crysis 2 on my old Intel pentium 4 old bean CPU and 9800gt on medium to high settings 30+ frames....pcsx2 need new CPUs to take advantage of the new instructions like sse4 for fast speed.

  5. you cant play god of war on its lowest setting? thats sad.

  6. wrong the ps2 emu can run at full speed some games not all

  7. wrong the ps2 emu can run at full speed some games not all

  8. ps2 emulation still sucks,not all game run good,I have 4 core amd with ati6870hd and i can't run mortal kombat or god of war in decent speed?this is bad,ps2 already died in japan people and we can't play classic ps2 game

    1. Uh, you DO know that those are the most demanding PS2 games for that emulator? Stop making such baseless, asinine accusations if you don't even know how emulators are coded/programmed.

  9. God of War 2 on PSX2 looks fine to me http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5H16rygRrPg

  10. hey croser let me say amd is good but in emulation ps2 intel rules so some games not run at full speed for intel or amd :)

    1. If you have an older amd that doesn't have the new instructions past sse4 you will get shitty speeds. I have the new fx-6300 and so far every game I throw at it that is compatible runs full speed and then some and that goes for GOW as well.

    2. Lol whatever you say man I just ran dark cloud 2 at over 170fps...on 3x native dx11 with the audio plugin maxed out on direct sound and only multithreading for speed hacks and vsync on top of it I didn't mention but my CPU is oc'd to 4.2 ghz how am I a liar compare avx to SSE2 which phenom 1 and lower use...you'd be surprised I've had a phenom 9500 x4 it sucked at emulating pcsx2 trust me.


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