
fs-uae v2.1.3

EmuCR: fs-uaefs-uae v2.1.3 is released. fs-uae is a multi-platform Amiga emulator based on UAE/WinUAE, with a focus on emulating floppy-disk and CD-ROM based games. An important feature of the emulator is that it is fully controllable with a gamepad from your couch, with an on-screen GUI, which means that you can easily swap floppies and load save states with your gamepad. fs-uae is well suited to be started from an emulator frontend running on a HTPC, for instance.

The emulator has less configuration options than other UAE variants, but rather focuses on default settings which just works. For example, if you are running fs-uae in Amiga 500 mode, you cannot turn off cycle-exact mode.

fs-uae v2.1.3 Changelog:
* New option “mouse_speed” – set mouse speed in percentage(1-500).
* Escape key can be used to navigate back and exit FS-UAE menu.
* Use new state subdirs based on configuration name ny default. New options state_dir and state_dir_name to tweak the new behavior.
* Remove use of “Floppy Overlays” and “Flash Memory” dirs, save files in state directory instead (same as launcher already does).
* Will autoload saved state if “Saved State.uss” exists in state dir.
* Merged updated emulation core from WinUAE 2.5.0beta24.
* New option middle_click_ungrab (can be set to 0).
* Updated translations: pl [grimi], de [nexusle].
* Patch amiga-os-310.rom to default A4000 rom on demand.
* Removed the default slight gamma correction which was applied before.
* (Launcher) Automatically fill in WHDLoad Arguments when zip file is loaded.
* (Launcher) Screenshots/titles/covers don’t need to be put in letter subdirs.
* (Launcher) Use direct subdirs in save states dir, don’t add letter unless an old state dir already exists.
* (Launcher) Added many more options to the settings dialog, including the new mouse speed option.
* (Launcher) Updated translations: pl [grimi], de [nexusle].

Download: fs-uae v2.1.3
Source: Here


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