
pspudb v1.10

EmuCR: pspudbpspudb v1.10 is released. pspudb is a rewrite of pcsp-udb this time using advanscene database. Atm it only stands as database viewer but many capabilities are planned.

pspudb v1.10 changelog:
-Fixed a bug in renaming tool , (a title with ":" can't be renamed properly)
-screenies are now in 2 categories duplicate and standalone. Standalone are scanning from their discid while duplicates are scanning from duplicate id.
-Added fixup firmware
-Added image scanning and adding it to database. Now user can add it's own images
-Finished eboot.bin /boot.bin status correction. Now it should work fine
-Added the dialog for displaying images which are not into database
-Changed prepending for iso number since expected isos,csos,7so might extend 10...

Download: pspudb v1.10
Source: Here


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