
ICE64 v3.7 Beta

EmuCR: ICE64ICE64 v3.7 Beta is released. ICE64 is a N64 emulator base on NICE64 v2.1.2 code base and is currently under Phase III of development. It is used as a learning platform to upgrade my programming skill.

ICE64 v3.7 Beta Changelog:
upgrade zlib from v1.2.5 to v1.2.7
fix crash when "Change Plug-ins" menu option is selected
a test change was left behind and totally forgotten
fix DK64 missing zipper effect, fade-in/out bg image effect during bananaport and barrel entry/exit and bg image when in-game "START" button is pressed
improve Batman flickering during scene transition

EmuCR: Ice64

Download: ICE64 v3.7 Beta
Source: Here


  1. God, I wish SOMEONE could make Body Harvest playable (speed be damned). Mupen comes close, but has geometry issues...Know it was programmed badly, but still, I loved that game.

  2. Jei

    Please remove all news for Nice64, Ice64 and 1964mod

    These releases are illegal/violate the gpl as the source code has never been provided.

    You are serving to inflate this code thiefs ego.


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