
NEWS: Hikaru added to Demul (2012/07/12)

CaH4e3 has posted pics of Hikiru service menu and rom tests working in Demul.

EmuCR: Hikaru added to Demul
EmuCR: Hikaru added to Demul

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"Just for Fun" usually means nobody is interested in investing a lot of time in it at this point. :-\

Hopefully they're contributing something back to Stefano Teso for his Valkyrie emulator:Valkyrie

Source: Here


  1. isn't Demul dead yet
    if not kill it with fire

    1. And again, stop judging the deployments!

    2. And why aren't you dead yet?

  2. how about adding back in the cave games
    you retarded devs

    1. If they don´t release anything useful, i give you some advise.

      Shut up!

    2. Developer and retard do not belong in the same context, but clearly the source of the latter is within the source of the poster.

    3. And yet another misplaced poster looking for cock <-- note how it was spelled, its only 4 letters-that's 1...2...3...4. Probably confused you too much already. Anyway if your looking for cock, just google cock. Read this as many times as you need to, don't worry, its not a test.

  3. light gun and 3d glasses and dance mat and power glove support next
    and also if you could convert it to java
    that would be great

    1. http://www.jwz.org/doc/java.html

    2. Drop the mayo, extra peppers, and lettuce on the side.

  4. How about making a 64 bit build of 0.57. Getting slowdowns on a i7 2600k due to 32 bit constrictions is a joke.

    1. Really? I have this emu here and i don´t have any lag problems on this. So Java still the worst ever! The better way to use java is making flash games.

    2. javas for derpy herpie retards....

    3. Wow, you love him so much?

  5. demul Smells of fish.

    1. Your are fishing some cocks in the lag?

  6. Needs online food pedal support before I'll even bother downloading.

    1. Then go to BurgerKing heating full of plastic, and die in there.

    2. Yeah "food" pedal support would be great-don't ask me why.

  7. You are eating diarrea from JB?

  8. That's why you are here, do you like them! Even ask every single post.

  9. AWESOME GRAPHICS!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Anonymous @J uly 18, 2012 5:27 AM: FUck you Dude!

  10. Wow, I never seen so much trolls with a entitlement complex before.

    It all comes down to respect, do you really want devs to quit developing because of drama?


    1. I started the byuu shit ages ago. Ended up stopping 6-12 months ago and now people are now trolling byuu and other developers and using me as a scapegoat.

    2. I think the better way is stop posting here. Anyways you all waste time for nothing.

    3. Why do you want developers to stop coding?
      what do you suggest they do?

    4. Here are the conditions to stop the trolling!
      1.-Use C++ in JPCSP
      2.-Real news from Demul not cock teasing nonense
      3.-Stop the catridge, folders, his formats,and the egocentric bullshit from byuu

  11. Wow! great to see work on Hikaru, ignore the pathetic haters, keep up the awesome work!

  12. The Hikaru games look sweet. I'd like to play the Fire Fighter game and Star Wars Racer personally.

  13. E ainda por cima dizes mal de todos, porque é que não deixas de postar aqui?
    Eu acho que o site emucr devia era eliminar todos os comentários e ficar o site surdo de uma vez por todas. Assim ninguém devia de dizer algo.
    Sobre o emulador, ele está muito bem assim, ele não têm erros nenhuns.
    O unico problema é ao sair do emulador ele congela, habitua-te a isso!
    Sobre o Dolphin têm um problema que é o java, com ele os próprios PC's de Dual-Core e Quad Core não se conseguem rodar perfeitamente, se usarem o mesmo estratagema que o Supermodel e o Demul, rodavam perfeitamente, mas o mal destas pessoas é que querem exigir um PC muito caro com muita memória fisica.
    E um processador por vezes de aguentar muitos jogos.
    Dolphin devia ter 3 emuladores.
    1º Um de Gamecube
    2º Um de Wii
    3º Um de Arcade - Jogos da MAME

    Sem ter estes procedimentos os jogos são cada vez mais dificeis de os corrigir e assim não chegam ao ponto final de um emulador.

    Com tão falta de emprego, porque é que não me dão estudos para trabalhar nisso?
    Que vergonha!


    And to top it off you say evil of all, why don't you post here?
    I think the site should emucr was delete all comments and get the site deaf once and for all. So nobody should say something.
    On the emulator, it is very well so it does not have any errors.
    The only problem is to exit the emulator it freezes, get used to it!
    About the Dolphin have a problem that is java, with it's own PC's Dual-Core and Quad Core cannot run perfectly, if they use the same ploy that the Supermodel and the Demul, ran perfectly, but the evil of these people is that they require a PC too expensive with a lot of physical memory.
    And a processor sometimes endure many games.
    Dolphin should have 3 emulators.
    1 a Gamecube
    2 A of Wii
    3 An Arcade-MAME games

    Without having these games are increasingly difficult to fix and so did not arrive to the end point of an emulator.

    With such a lack of jobs, why not give me studies to work on that?
    What a shame!

  14. look ffs demul is better than nulldc and makaron, nulldc has inherent flaws with annoying texture glitches, and makaron has too, just look at the water effects on Under Defeat level 2.
    demul does not have these glitches, yes it runs like shit, but given a few more version and it could be sweet.

    1. Its real simple, look at the games library of Makaron and NullDC, then compare the combination to Demul--> Demul wins hands down.

  15. Take it to livejasmin, it doesn't belong here.

  16. Then what are you doing at a truck stop in Nigeria?

  17. How could you talk to your brother like that?


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