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EmuCR:DolphinDolphin Triforce Git 3.0-697 is compiled. Dolphin Triforce Git is a branch of Dolphin. Dolphin is the first Gamecube emulator able to run commercial games! Dolphin is a great Gamecube(NGC) and Wii emulator. It has a partial Wii support and plays most Gamecube games. Dolphin has been changed SVN to Git recently.

Dolphin Triforce Git changelog:
* Fixed "Virtua Striker 3 2002" stuck at boot regression and added working controls. Patch by MetalliC.

Download: Dolphin Triforce Git 3.0-697 x86
Download: Dolphin Triforce Git 3.0-697 x64
Source: Here


  1. lets all piss in your mums ass
    now grow up and fuck off

  2. is freeze after start game help me please

  3. go to the arcade and play the real thing if you are too retarded to make it work
    ... Easier to complain here I guess...

  4. Great! thx to Dolphin team.

  5. it's good, that there's been further progress after making Mario Kart Arcade GP2 work.

    Although... Is there really any point in having all those different branches though? :/

  6. Buddy you're not alone feeling like this. What you have written is almost a carbon copy of my own life. Contact me at demonattack at hotmail dot com if you would like to talk to someone. You don't have to go through this by yourself.

  7. pants pants pants and .......wait hold on! WOW Awesome release baby!

  8. so like what games does this do that you can't get on gamecube?

    byuu your momma.

  9. Game works fine in 1080p with 4X internal resolution in DX9.

  10. i just tried it, it works great! cant believe i have the vs3 2002 triforce ver.

    but how do u insert coins, or wich is the key you should set up?

  11. Even with this version or the new version Dolphin SUCKS!
    Only they care about WII Shit.
    A Emu Seperated from the WII, can solve the problems on Game Cube Games.
    I need to say.... DIE DOLPHIN!
    I will Buy a GameCube.
    Just you need to do!

    1. if you have a good pc, then you shouldn't have problems with dolphin or any emu.

    2. I Have a good PC, the problem is some issues they don´t give a dam f#ck they don´t fixed it. Example, Sound, graphics, errors ingame, and Some Speed need to upgrade even i play a 100%!

  12. YES MASTER! i will buy gamecube, oh heres one going for 50 bucks....
    mmmmmmmmmmmmmust buy, i will buy..... BUYYYYYYYY!.......sold.
    Wahooooooo! ...(fart). oops sorry.

  13. Dolphin Need to change the logos, one for Gamecube, Other for Wii and other for Triforce, this shit of emu's only see garbage on the internet. Nothing here as never organized at all.

  14. AnimalBear, please code your own emulator since you think everyone else's is crap. I would love to see what glorious things you can do, such as flawless GC emulation on a 200mhz Pentium. Or a mod to turn a standard PC mouse into a motion-sensing wiimote.

    1. AnimalBear can help people sharing files, help a bit. So troll stop speaking about him!

  15. With patches for VS2002 F-Zero GX boots, shows card reader error, you can get to test menu but you can't get game running, settings can't be saved and you you'll reenter menu right after you select exit, there's some loop that needs to be patched.
    VS4 boots too, but wants to update system.

    $DI Seed Blanker


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