
BizHawk SVN r2641

EmuCR: BizHawkBizHawk SVN r2641 is compiled. BizHawk is a A multi-system emulator written in C#. BizHawk provides nice features for casual gamers such as full screen, and joypad support in addition to full rerecording and debugging tools for all system cores.

BizHawk Supported Systems
- Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)
- Sega Master System
- SG-1000
- Game Gear
- PC-Engine (TurboGrafx-16) / CD-ROM
- SuperGrafx
- TI-83 Calculator

BizHawk Experimental
- Sega Genesis (low compatibility list)
- Gameboy (Debugger only)

BizHawk SVN Changelog:
Lua Writer - save font and font size to config (todo: font style), hook up exit button
NES - Nametable viewer - draw nametable immediately when loading the dialog
Remove some console logging when the context menu is opened.
NES - complete mapper 205, slight fix to mapper 91 (still not working)
Implemented the XXXR opcodes. As of now, I have Jump, MVO@, MVI@, and XORR enabled and tested. There might be an off by one error with MVO@.
R4-R7 now auto-increment for all of the indirect opcodes. My documentation is inconsistent on whether R6 increments or decrements on right, but in any case, my output now matches my source until the DECR, which hasn't been implemented yet.
-Enabled and tested DECR.
-Fixed my disassembly of branch; I wasn't thinking in hexadecimal. >_<
-Subtracted 1 from the negated offset when branching in reverse. The next op is "BNEQ $FFFC".

Download: BizHawk SVN r2641
Source: Here


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