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EmuCR: BizHawkBizHawk SVN r2522 is compiled. BizHawk is a A multi-system emulator written in C#. BizHawk provides nice features for casual gamers such as full screen, and joypad support in addition to full rerecording and debugging tools for all system cores.

BizHawk Supported Systems
- Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)
- Sega Master System
- SG-1000
- Game Gear
- PC-Engine (TurboGrafx-16) / CD-ROM
- SuperGrafx
- TI-83 Calculator

BizHawk Experimental
- Sega Genesis (low compatibility list)
- Gameboy (Debugger only)

BizHawk SVN Changelog:
fix a dumb PAL bug. possibly for the second time.
fix old displaymanager filter junk
-Made Executive ROM and Graphics ROM read-only. I still haven't made the memory map accessibility limited by the VBlank Period, but I'm assuming that should come way later.
-Initialized the memory devices with a tentative size that ignores the unofficial ranges.
-Masked addresses to match those sizes (That's my understanding of what the memory map needs to do based on other examples).
-Added the ICart interface.
-Started the Intellicart parser; got far enough to know that the files I'm working with are not Intellicarts. ^_^
Implemented Zeromus's Display Filters in the menubar for usage.
fix memory leaks in filters
-Mapped .ROM to Intellivision.
--If a future system uses this extension, the condition:

Rom[0] == 0xA8 && Rom[1] == (0xFF ^ Rom[2])

...can verify if the file is in fact an IntelliCart, though I doubt this is a permanent solution to the more underlying problem.

Download: BizHawk SVN r2522
Source: Here

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