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EmuCR: HalfNESHalfNES v0.048 is released. HalfNES is an open-source emulator for the Nintendo Entertainment System, written in Java. Currently, it only runs as a standalone Java SE application.

Current Features:
-Now cropping off the top and bottom 8 pixels of the video output, since these are not visible on most TVs and a lot of games render garbage on those lines.
-Added volume slider to options dialog (and rewrote the sound output code as well.)
-Fixed a lot of sound bugs. Crystalis, Zombie Nation, A Boy And His Blob etc. all sound right now.
-Fixed Twin Cobra

HalfNES v0.048 Changelog:
You can now change all options without having to restart the emulator. Also
changed the set of values used for the VRC7 registers and did some code cleanups
in various places. Significant rewrite is needed to improve basic timing
accuracy some time soon.

Download: HalfNES v0.048
Source: Here

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