
Emu28 v1.25

EmuCR:Emu28Emu28 v1.25 is released. Emu28 is an emulator for the Clamshell series calculators HP18C and HP28C. It base on the sources of the famous HP calculator emulator Emu48 and is published under the GPL. The emulator is running on all Win32 platforms.

Emu28 v1.25 Changelog:
- changed function UpdateContrast(), new brush is only necessary for
an initialized KML contrast palette entry
- changed function CreateLcdBitmap(), preset KML contrast palette
with black on background for the case of a complete uninitialized
KML contrast palette
- bugfix in function UpdateMainDisplay(), don't draw display pattern
on uninitialized KML foreground contrast palette entry;
bug/behavior was introduced in v1.24 to get display output also
for the case of no KML contrast palette entries defined
- changed function UpdateMainDisplay(), exchanged StretchBlt() back
to BitBlt() because the bug in the WineHQ BitBlt() implementation
was fixed in Wine 1.4
- bugfix in function UpdateAnnunciators(), don't draw annunciators
on uninitialized KML foreground contrast palette entry;
bug/behavior was introduced in v1.24 to get display output also
for the case of no KML contrast palette entries defined

- changed function OnPaint(), exchanged StretchBlt() back to
BitBlt() in display redraw part because the bug in the WineHQ
BitBlt() implementation was fixed in Wine 1.4

- changed version

Download: Emu28 v1.25
Source: Here


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