
fs-uae v1.3.8 Beta

EmuCR: fs-uaefs-uae v1.3.8 Beta is released. fs-uae is a multi-platform Amiga emulator based on UAE/WinUAE, with a focus on emulating floppy-disk and CD-ROM based games. An important feature of the emulator is that it is fully controllable with a gamepad from your couch, with an on-screen GUI, which means that you can easily swap floppies and load save states with your gamepad. fs-uae is well suited to be started from an emulator frontend running on a HTPC, for instance.

The emulator has less configuration options than other UAE variants, but rather focuses on default settings which just works. For example, if you are running fs-uae in Amiga 500 mode, you cannot turn off cycle-exact mode.

fs-uae v1.3.8 Beta Changelog:
- New option “theme” to specify the name of the theme to load.
- New option “texture_filter” to force nearest filter (for pixel-perfect mapping in combination with scaling options).
- Themes can override sidebar background images.
- Themes can override menu icons (close, volume, etc).
- Themes can override bitmap fonts.
- Themes can include overlay images (with position) to display when floppy drives have activity (when floppy drive led is enabled).
- Themes can include overlay images (with position) to display when floppy drives have disks inserted.
- Option to override background colors.
- Option to to menu text color (headings and normal items).
- Ability to specify an overlay image (such as the one created by Ambermoon).
- Themes can also set FS-UAE options such as shaders and scaling option, for instance useful to set scaling options to make the screen fit an overlay.
- Theme config options can also be specified in regular config files.
- Specify custom images and positions for on-screen leds (for floppy leds etc).
- Also read themes from Documents/FS-UAE/Themes, so it is easier to install / unpack custom themes not bundled with FS-UAE.
- New bundled example theme: ubuntu_12_04 (colors to match Ubuntu theme).
- New bundled example theme: 2x_1920_1080 (for pixel-perfect mapping at 1080p).
- New bundled example theme: and 2x_1920_1080_bezel (same with simple bezel).

Download: fs-uae v1.3.8 Beta
Source: Here


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