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EmuCR: fs-uaefs-uae v1.2.1 Final is released. fs-uae is a multi-platform Amiga emulator based on UAE/WinUAE, with a focus on emulating floppy-disk and CD-ROM based games. An important feature of the emulator is that it is fully controllable with a gamepad from your couch, with an on-screen GUI, which means that you can easily swap floppies and load save states with your gamepad. fs-uae is well suited to be started from an emulator frontend running on a HTPC, for instance.

The emulator has less configuration options than other UAE variants, but rather focuses on default settings which just works. For example, if you are running fs-uae in Amiga 500 mode, you cannot turn off cycle-exact mode.

fs-uae v1.2.1 Final Changelog:

- Fix crash on some platforms when saving state with mounted directories.

Download: fs-uae v1.2.1 Final
Source: Here


  1. omg winuae is so much easy to config than this, and this is supossed to be easier to use what a joke!


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