
MESSinfo.dat v0.145u7

EmuCR: MESSinfo.datMESSinfo.dat v0.145u7 is released. detailed mess game information (including version added, number of players, game status, cpu/audio chips, display info and maws hall of fame ratings). Provides Recommended Games for GameEx.

MESSinfo.dat Changelog:
* 5.09 11/04/2012: Added many descriptions of MESS supported systems (apfimag, apfm1000, aplsbon, atmtb2, atom, avigo_de, avigo_es, avigo_fr, avigo_it, cpc300, cpc300e, cpc464, cpc6128f, cpc6128p, cpc6128s, cpc664, crvisio2, hb10p, hb201, hb201p, hb501p, hb75d, hb75p, hbf1, hmg2650, vg8020000, vg8020f, vg8235f, victor, victor9k, vidbrain, videopac, vii, vip, visicom, visor and vixen); we are still missing 1,245 (26% are completed).
* 5.10 13/04/2012: Updated the SVN until April 13, 2012 (r14904). Added 20 descriptions of MESS supported systems (mk85, mk90, mlf80, mm1m6, mm1m7, mpf1p, mprof3, mpt02, mpu1000, mpu2000, palmz22, pc6001a, pc6001mk2, pc6001sr, pc6601, pc7000, pc8001, pc8001mk2, pc8201a and pc8300).
* 5.11 17/04/2012: Updated the SVN until April 17, 2012 (r14946).
* 5.12 20/04/2012: Updated the SVN until April 20, 2012 (r14977).
* 5.13 24/04/2012: Aligned files to 0.145u7 version. Updated the SVN until April 24, 2012 (r15022). Updated this files: 'sourcechanges.txt', 'changelog.txt', 'alltimesMESS_WIP.txt' 'Drivers SVN...txt' and 'version.ini'.

Download: MESSinfo.dat v0.145u7
Source: Here


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