
PCSX2 SVN r5136

EmuCR: PCSX2PCSX2 SVN r5136 is compiled. PCSX2 is an open source PlayStation 2 (PS2) emulator for the Microsoft Windows and Linux operating systems. With the most recent versions, many PS2 games are playable (although speed limitations have made play-to-completion tests for many games impractical), and several games are claimed to have full functionality.

PCSX2 SVN Changelog:
Game database update.
Lots of Korean titles added by 99skull.
Thanks :)

Download: PCSX2 SVN r5136
Source: Here


  1. How about DT Racer and Red Dead Revolver? I still can't play both of them.

  2. Some improvement in Gran Turismo 4?

  3. @#2

    Yeah, but just in the Korean version.

  4. useless update is useless
    in b4 goran h. defend this crappy update,like he made it

  5. Holy shit, I'm literally going to download this right now just to see what games benefit from this amazing "Fix" [/sarcasm].

    Serious note, If you are intending on picking up a open-source project then how about actually doing some fixes that benefit the emulator rather than some pedantic fix that does fuck all.
    It reminds of nullDC lately, "Fix some obscure nonsense", followed up by "Reverted to some obscure nonsense", followed by "Fixed something that does something or maybe even nothing".

  6. Goran H as must as you dont like,copy,is pretty much the true! about the pscx2 developer team right now!,they trow revision after revision, with little to zero improvement, over the last one , break one game fix another and the cycle repeat, the only thing the team can do right now is fix a game and pray that dont break another it is as it is ,like it or not

  7. SHH...you guys act like you can do
    better..you know what do it if you can

  8. God of war 2 pal with parch ntsc fail ati 4830
    screen black and colours green

  9. Holy shit, I'm literally going to download this right now just to see what games benefit from this amazing "Fix" [/sarcasm].

    Serious note, If you are intending on picking up a open-source project then how about actually doing some fixes that benefit the emulator rather than some pedantic fix that does fuck all.
    It reminds of nullDC lately, "Fix some obscure nonsense", followed up by "Reverted to some obscure nonsense", followed by "Fixed something that does something or maybe even nothing".

  10. Change resolution in GSDX to 1260x1260 and Tekken 5 run perfectly. No lines.

  11. lol even at 1200 x 1200 tekken 5 runs perfect without the vertical lines......... :P

  12. koreaan titles updata thanks~ :)

  13. just run at 0 x 0 and Tekken 5 will run perfectly :P

  14. Animal Bear and Goran H are playing their fav game

  15. The PCSX2Team is doing a great job. It´s true that they are a little slow in presenting results but i already played four games from the beginning to the end with no problems. Just be a little more patient.

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  17. i want u fix lines when high resolution

  18. hey its great emul but
    why dont use 4 cores or 6
    i have quad core 2.4 and its slowly to emu gt4

  19. There´s an hack that works great with 4 or more cores in the emulator.

  20. @ 19

    Because that's not fast. Try Quad-core @ 4.5Ghz and report once again. Also Gran Turismo 4 requires somewhat better graphics.

    *hint hint* MTVU

    Okay, first thing's first, how is my life relevant to any stretch of the imagination?

    Second of all, it's called free-speech, deal with it. I have the right to post what I want, where I want, the only time free-speech should be prohibited, is if the words that said person is saying are overly offensive, or if they're directed to an unchangeable attribute about someone's personal wellbeing. Which would range from something trivial, such as someone's eye color, to something ridiculous like someone's skin color.

    You, or anyone else who gets criticism should at least hear what said critic has to say. Not doing this is being biased. Sure, you can ignore criticism, but if the criticism was well constructed, then anyone with half a brain would realize you're being biased towards said critic. And thus, they would disrespect you for doing such a thing.

  22. All of you, did one of you donate for PCSX2 project? Why you are expecting too much? if you somehow have donate, you can talk as much as you like!!! If you don't, just die moroon at eat shit.

    All the team have tried what they could. So what your contribution?

    If you feel you can express anything including a foul words on this post, please do. It's show what your brain contained of. Douche bag

  23. @ 23

    And yet you start of with an offense directed towards me. Followed by non-nonsensical piece of text and then you expect me to take you seriously. You're funny.


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