
bsnes v086

EmuCR:bsnes Emulatorsbsnes v086 is released. bsnes is an emulator for the Super Famicom and SNES video game systems. The purpose of the emulator is a bit different from other emulators: it focuses on accuracy, debugging functionality, and clean code.

bsnes v086 Changelog:
- created ui-debugger target (Laevateinn)
- fixed multitap ports 2-4 [quequotion]
- fixed ui-libsnes target compilation
- fixed a crashing issue with NSS XML markup
- improved cartridge-folder loading support
- NES can now load .fc (headerless NES) or .prg+.chr (split NES) images
- fixed cursor being visible in fullscreen mode when using Linux/Metacity window manager [ncbncb]
- show normal cursor when using Linux/SDL video driver [ncbncb]
- added menu accelerators
- fixed a bug in performance profile SMP incw/decw instructions
- SNES core can now optionally be built without Game Boy emulation core
- added 2012-02-04 cheats.xml database [mightymo]

Download: bsnes v086 x86
Download: bsnes v086 x64
Source: Here


  1. New version is great! Thxnks!

  2. Thanks for making the best SNES emulator there is! And most likely a very good Game Boy and NES-emulator too although I haven't tried those features yet.

  3. fully working headerless NES ? it could be a huge step in NES emulation.

  4. Amazing and an accurate emulator. Thanks for sharing the news, nicole.

  5. If only he add the load zip rom file feature would be the best emulator. I don't use it only for this reason.

  6. Well, In time of 2TB hard disks, unpacked games should not be problem at all
    Even my 20GB hard disk (10 years old PC) could handle ALL roms ever made for snes at once! So not a real argument...

  7. slow nes and gb b/w emu lol no thanks

  8. lol @ people who say"this emu runs too slow!!" boo hoo.maybe its time to upgrade your ghetto pc's,you know save up your welfare checks and sell your food stamps and upgrade your antiques.Until then use inaccurate hacks like zsnes and snes9x

  9. Meh. Snes9x is still considered more accurate than the abortive excuse of an emulator called Zsnes.

  10. If you guys are looking for another very decent SNES emulator, SnesGT is very good, its Japanese developed and not widly known, seems to run everything just as well as BSNES, but needs less CPU grunt.


  11. @11 thank you a decent comment in this site,also the sodomizer is also right snes9x is also a decent emu, and to @9 for gods sake are you even reading what you just write? the snes have a Ricoh 5A22 3.58 MHz! for cpu and a 4.2ghz dual core athlon x2 LITERRALY 1286 TIMES BETTER THAN A RICOH CPU is NOT ENOUGH TO PLAY SNES GAMES? GIVE ME A FUCKIGN BREAK thats just laziness, bad coding and not caring for optimization of byuus part. thank god that no other emu author goes this way and if you want accuracy buy the damn thing

  12. LOL bsnes requirements are actually below average now.sure 5 years ago it was considered a cpu hog,but now cmon! minimum is a core 2 duo,a 5 year old processor.

  13. My lowly 2.3 Duel core can use Bsnes at 100%. stop complaining, stop lying and go play on the highway

  14. Well, In time of 2TB hard disks, unpacked games should not be problem at all
    Even my 20GB hard disk (10 years old PC) could handle ALL roms ever made for snes at once! So not a real argument..


    Yes it IS a REAL argument. Everything you have posted is nothing more than a Bsnes ass-kissing post with pathetic excuses for a lack of something that almost every emulator has, including a proper GUI.

    Should we also unpack ALL of our emulation roms/games/images just because storage is cheap ? Speaking of which, you may have noticed that the major warehouse where 90% of the worlds HDs are made was flooded last year, and HD prices have gone up to silly money, only now starting to trickle down to something that is still silly money.

    This IS a great emulator, accurate and fast on a decent-specced PC, BUT, to just play SNES games - isn't that what we all want at the end of the day ? - Snes9x still does it sooo much better & even without the accuracy.

  15. @13 5 years ago bsnes didn't exist stop lying

  16. #17 you arent to bright are you? bsnes was started in 2004.Just cause you got a ghetto pc and cant run bsnes you insult.

    LOL@ YOU

  17. LOL@ #16.

    Stop being foolish.A Full set of UNPACKED snes roms is 1.08 gb.I can fit that on a $8.00 4gb stick 3 times.That same old story is getting old now.

  18. @12 Stop being so ignorant, moron, the rest of the world is not at fault if you are so cheap that you can't afford a 2ghz cpu to run the performance profile of bsnes.

  19. I can run Bsnes just fine on my old Core 2 Duo, but I choose Snes9x because I can use quick load/save, fast forward, not to mention it uses the same audio core as Bsnes, without the speed impact. Zsnes is the emulator that sucks, it can't even output sound effects right.

  20. @18 you obviously dont the man and what the fuck you are talking about 5 years ago , bsnes didnt have a release ,dont care what wikipedia says, those entries are always biased anyway,bsnes begin development around 2005, the first public release was about novemeber-december 2006, byuu was bussy doing the arabian kinghts, bahamut lagoon and far east of eden zero translation that didnt work in any emu,(he never finish a thing) so he began doing is own stuff, so just STFU and stop talking about things you dont know shit about.

  21. @19 I really think you need to check your numbers. I have a FULL set (version 2.04, the latest as reported by Cowering's Good Tools) and when it's compressed using 7zip it clocks in at ~1.62GB and when unpacked it comes to well over 16GB. Sure that may ultimately not seem like much in today's world of multi-terabyte hard drives, but if we apply that theory across ALL systems like the NES, Genesis, N64 and GBA then you will surely soon run out of space. Also I won't even begin to get into CD/DVD based roms. I can tell you for fact that as of this time, even considering that 4TB drives do now exist, even those aren't enough to hold every rom from every system ever, even when compressed. And that will never change, even as hard drive capacities increase because as they increase so to will the number of systems we "collect/archive/backup". I mean just think of the PS3 games and their usage of Blu-ray as a medium. Also what about the upcoming Wii-U and future consoles.

    So my point is that it's just stupid to force us to keep our collections in a given format, when it takes no effort at all to allow the emulator to support whatever we choose.

    Also don't even get me started on that ridiculous idea known as JMA compression. I can't stand anyone who recommends it, because it's a console/emulator specific compression format unlike 7zip which open source, free and supported by other emulators as well.

  22. Stop being foolish.A Full set of UNPACKED snes roms is 1.08 gb.I can fit that on a $8.00 4gb stick 3 times.That same old story is getting old now.


    Completely IRRELEVANT ! It doesn't matter if they take up 100Mb, 1000Mb, or 10Gb, it is irrelevant. What is relevant is the fact that this arrogant author dismisses archive support simply because he says so. There isn't one single reason to not support it, end of. A clean rom with a clean header is the same rom in or outside of a 7zip or rar archive, so why not just add support and be done with it ?

    Arrogance is the reason why, and also the same reason for a lack of a proper GUI. I love the the emulator, but the author is a complete dick.

  23. Haha, Athlon 64 X2 4200+!

    It's a CPU from 2005 FYI, accurate emulation like with BSNES requires more power to run smoothly then emulation with a lot of hacks. If you have a shit computer maybe you should run shit emulators full with hacks too? Or maybe it's time to get a new computer? In any case stop whining or do something about it because the problem is on your end.

    BSNES runs just fine on my Core 2 Duo E8400 (3 GHz) and it's from 2008 so BSNES is not THAT demanding but running it on totally outdated hardware is obviously out of the questions as you've noticed.

  24. I love it - devs who write in shitty unoptimized C++ code telling others to 'go buy a new computer' and 'stop whining'.

    Sorry furry-loving BDSM bubbas, not everybody is blowing their welfare money on shit people don't need, like PCs with overpowered CPUs - there is financial hardship going on - put the blame where it lies - your shitty unoptimized code in the first place.

    Funny - all these losers like Mooglyguy, byuu et co are all furry-loving, penile bisected BDSM freaks in real-life. Makes you wonder about their 'fetish' for accuracy that nobody can notice huh?

  25. @27
    Yeah.. just like you know if the code is optimized or not.. It's accurate emulation, deal with it.

    It's these days that you care about accuracy because the computers are powerful enough.

    Why bother with inferior emulators when you can get an accurate one? Oh that's right! When your computer is 7 years old of course.

  26. 'It's accurate emulation, deal with it' - as if you know. Mind to tell me how those 'freezes'/'bugfixes' that were fixed in the Performance core speak to the amount of 'accuracy' in bSNES? How about Tales of Phantasia that just craps out over time? Pretty sure that's not very 'accurate' behavior it's displaying there.

    Hello to #30 - newsflash - Intel and 'brute power' PCs are on their way out - say hello to mobile phones, say hello to netbooks, say hello to Raspberrys, say hello to tablets.

    CPU raw power is NOT a given in devices which have future potential - and bSNES has shown not to give a shit about this segment of the market, therefore, bSNES itself is irelevant, since it will cater to an increasingly more marginal sector of computing (PCs) in the nearby future.

    So funny - you thinking you have all the erudite answers when all your answers stem from an ignorant navel-gazing attitude that goes somewhere along the lines of 'Get an Core i7, d00dz'. No, fuck no - fuck your slow inoptimal shit SNES emu and fuck your upgrade dictates too. Suck it down.

  27. lol people will come up with every and all excuse to justify their 7 year old pc's not running a emulator.

  28. #24 you stated the problem.you are using a good set.good sets are super outdated,try a no-intro set.full set unpacked=1.08 gb

  29. haters just keep on hating....

  30. Anonymous - sorry, but I don't see the appeal in just upgrading to the latest CPU just because byuu doesnt' care about optimization, coding standards.

    Plus - I don't know if you've noticed, but single-core processor performance has reached a brick wall - they aren't getting faster per core, and since bSNES doesn't use multicore for anything either, the slower byuu makes bSNES, the more bSNES itself will start heading for a breakneck collision with that wall.

    So it isn't just a matter of 'upgrade your CPU man' - it's a mater of your cult leader not understanding that bSNES is not future-proof given the current state of where CPUs (and computing itself) are headed.

    Oh BTW - the reason why bSNES doesnt' get ported beyond PC is because of these performance issues. So byuu makes his own bed - now he gets to lie in it. Not all is well in bSNES land, and no, it's not the 'best emulator' just by virtue of it being more 'accurate' - honestly, I don't even think you are in a position to notice any of the 'accuracies' you cultishly like to rant about yet can never explain in concise terms what diferences you've seen between SNES9x and bSNES that illustrate this added 'accuracy'.


  32. @38, well put, this troll needs to sod off. Byuu isn't making ANYONE use Bsnes; if it doesn't cater to one's needs, then don't use it. Use Snes9x or SnesGT. If there were an emulator I'd advise against using, it would be Zsnes. Now THAT emulator is garbage compared to Snes9x, and I have proof to back up that claim.

  33. 'stop watching porn and get a real person to have sex with, ya hear lame-o of the year??'

    You do know that they have weird sexual adherences on byuu's forum, right? Or do you consider furry, shota, lolii and all that shit even remotely 'normal'? It's a freakshow.

    Go google Mooglyguy (another 'accuracy' tard) and see what comes up. Then google byuu and his acolytes and see them passing around advice on how to improve 'hentai games' and 'shota fantasies'.

    So who exactly is the one with no life huh? Just like I'd thought. Owned again. Now go back to your little North Korea dictator at board.byuu.org.

    And then the guys on byuu's forum want to whine and cry about emucr people being a 'cesspool' - well, I'd agree with the 'bsnes rules' mob.

    'brute force PCs are on their way out?? Well sorry you consider the 2ghz needed to run the performance profile of bsnes a brute force PC, why don't you just stfu??'

    Hey junior, slow down before you get a heart attack - I have a 2Ghz PC - I still don't bother with the piece of shit all the same - I have no need for it - SNES9x is good enough and doesn't have ridiculous shit forced down my throat that cuts into about 100-200fps when put all together. That your little friend forces 30-bit filters down your throat and lots of other garbage (giving you a 6% speed) and you still don't care about him forcing unnecessary crap down your throat speaks volumes to your cult memberish self.

    You're pathetic - plain and simple.

    'brute force PCs are on their way out??'

    Yes junior, they're on their way out - because energy-efficient computing is now the way 'in' - and no, that doesn't come in the form of a desktop PC with a desktop CPU.

    Go on, I know your PC nerdish ways want to tell me off - because you're pathetic like that. Go on, I know you love it - for the same reason you love byuu - you're a cult member.

  34. @33 - last time I checked Good Sets are not outdated. Good sets are complete sets that contain every rom ever, good, bad, overdump, redump, verified, public domain, etc, etc.

    No-intro sets are just the good verified dumps from a good set and I know that isn't 100% true but it's the simplest way to put things. So what you need to understand is that not everyone wants a No-Intro set, some people wish to collect every rom ever.

    But tell me since you think Good sets are outdated, then prove yourself. What roms do you think a No-Intro set has that a good set doesn't?

    Even if we go with your theory though space will still be a concern anyways once you start collection CD and even DVD based roms. I mean just go look up how much space a Gamecube or even more so a PlayStation 1 rom set takes up. Exactly my point!

  35. @41 I tell you ps1 american set isos is 350gb exactly,japanese set of isos is exactly 500gb
    All these of course Uncompressed isos counting,v1,v2,and i didnt count the european since its basically the same games as the americans.
    and @37 obviously my claim still stands even in the byuu forums some games need a I7 to play the accuracy profile, wow just wow and I7 to play a fucking RICOH 3.58 MHz CPU do you know how much processor power is 3.58mhz ricoh cpu? you obviously dont since you just post crap after crap posting, I can guarantee that even my fucking cell phone haves 50 times more power than that garbage, and of courses desktop brute froces pcs are on their way out,today the market is going to tablet's,neetbooks and cell phones, you must be living under a fucking rock to not have noticed this. and the only decent people on this site is the sodomizer for gods sake no wonder how cool people like mkay and goran never post here anymore.

  36. Fuck energy-efficient computing and moral panic. If you don't want to use bsnes, don't. Everyone knows that Snes9x is faster than bsnes, but it's completely irrelevant. Snes9x and bsnes have completely different goals. Instead of bitching about how my slow computers are not able to run bsnes full-speed, I bought a real Super Famicom instead. Apart from it refusing to give me a clean RGB signal, it runs great.

  37. antitheist - A real SNES is going to look like shit on an HDTV, so meh, not digging that either bubba. I like my SNES9x Next on PS3 and 360 - upscaled to 1080p, with dual shaders, looks far better than anything stock vanilla bsnes can ever offer me.

    'Fuck energy-efficient computing' - bubba, the point is that bSNES will run like crap on anything other than Intel x86 PCs - which are NOT the future of computing unless you consider the future of computing to revolve around some furry, shota-loving anime nerds like the ones on board.byuu.org. The future is tablets, handhelds, phones, consoles and things like the Raspberry Pi - and bSNES runs like shit on all of those and the above.

  38. So no, I don't give a crap about bSNES - and why should I? You can't even tell me what it does all that more 'accurately' that I can notice is not there in SNES9x. You talk to me about accuracy all day, but I bet you can't even point me to a single difference between the two running the same mainstream games in most cases (oh - it runs Sink and Swim and some shit Speedy Gonzalez game that nobody plays at the last level - I should give a shit now?)

  39. Do an upgrade on their jurassic computers and stop talking shit

  40. #48 - I guess every new device being released that doesn't perform as well as a Core i7 (like a Raspberry) will fit that description.

    Dude - face the facts - it's the fucking emulator and the non-optimization that is at fault here - don't blame it back on everything under the sun that doesn't sport an Intel badge - try to fucking optimize your emulator so that it doesn't run like shit.

    But hey, that requires abandoning the 'self-documenting code' approach - which is a bullshit approach to begin with.

    In the end, all of this can be traced back to Mr. Gay Shota-Loving Kim Jung Il's non-comforance to decent programming standards and his utter disregard for doing things in a rational way.

  41. @48 a guy telling me to upgrade, when the cpu in question is the jurasic park ricoh 3.58mhz cpu!
    that even today the crappiest cell phone cpu its 50-70 times better!

  42. @48 Im sure you are fapping to your great bsnes great exclusives such as:
    2 shogi games,top gear 3000 (sega cd is 100% better),the crappy gundam strategy SD game, weapons lord (the fire effect title screen) and oh wow van dammes time cop.
    in the mean time i will enjoy every other fucking game in existance at full speed in my android,and i can guarantee i will not notice any difference even if they program at HLE

  43. I have a Pentium Dualcore E5500 2.8ghz and it can run bsnes fine.

  44. http://dis.4chan.org/read/games/1325495494/1-40
    the above thread sums its up

  45. I have a 3GHz Core 2 Duo E8400 and I can run Bsnes at 60fps 100% time with synchronized audio and video. Explain that, @anonymous58 wanker. @48, you have excellent writing skills, I didn't even know "Jurassic" had one "s" instead of two!


  46. It's his emu indeed, and as far as I'm concerned, he can keep it to himself and the fanclub he has gathered around himself.

    Now what I don't get is why you get all nerd raging on me just for me stating my opinion. But I guess there must be some equally dumb reason behind that as well.

  47. LOL its so funny that Byuu gets all this attention,especially since its made by people who "hate" him...LMAO


  49. I weep for the future. Sigh....皆はクソったれだな.

  50. I'm in disagree with no zip support. It isn't a good reason to waste hd space only because today HD are 1 tb or more. It's a non sense discussion. Byuu respond that if someone really need compression use the windows integrated ntfs compression. The problem is that in comparisons to zip ( and even more rar or 7zip) the Ntfs compression sucks. I' ve tested and the size of same set of roms in ntfs compression or in zip are very different of many hundreds of mb.

  51. And at top of this discussion the fault of byuu is that adding zip support is a very easy task.

  52. zip support is old.if anything it should be 7zip support.actually,it shouldnt be either,stop bitching about non issues.oh my! unpacked roms take up so much space!!! oh boo hoo! no one is forcing you to use bsnes,no one at all.continue to use inaccurate emulators to your hearts content,but dont hate on people who CHOOSE to usse bsnes.losers

  53. I'll stop trash talking byuu and his shitty unoptimised SNES emu if you stop trash-talking 'innaccurate' emulators (and honestly brah, as if you're even able to notice the 'accuracy' - idiot - you're a typical idiotic enduser that has noticed his guru uttering a new buzzword - cycle-accuracy) and has ran with it without even understanding why it matters and why he/she should care if he/she is not even able to determine what it is.

    I can tell you right now - an idiotic end-user like you NOTICES ZERO from the 'cycle accuracy' your cultish leader provides to you in the form of bSNES. You might as well play with SNES9x for your gaming needs since you're not likely to be able to notice any differences to begin with.

    Cycle-accuracy matters to people coding SNES homebrew (not very many), ROM hackers and the like - not some idiotic end-user that wants to shout 'STFU you byuu hater' at emucr.

  54. @65 pow right in the kisser!


  56. @65, listen to Super Mario World on Zsnes (the jump spin sound) and Lavos' scream on Chrono Trigger, then play it on Snes9x. The difference is obvious, you c*nt

  57. The amount of fail is strong in this one. Had I known I'd be ripped to shreds by a bunch of losers, I would have posted a political thread.

  58. This is becoming somewhat of a trend for byuu cult members - they are uninformed and just repeat 'Cycle accuracy', 'accuracy' to anybody like a demented Jehova's Witness.

  59. Well, there's no denying that Snes9x is better than Zsnes


  61. my wood cirix 686, 16mb ram,integrated vieo 4mb ram, is full speed on this true story >;')

  62. #75

    only if you record a video and play it in fast forward mode

  63. I wonder if recording a video in a 686 cirix is even possible lol


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