
PCSX2 SVN r5082

EmuCR: PCSX2PCSX2 SVN r5082 is compiled. PCSX2 is an open source PlayStation 2 (PS2) emulator for the Microsoft Windows and Linux operating systems. With the most recent versions, many PS2 games are playable (although speed limitations have made play-to-completion tests for many games impractical), and several games are claimed to have full functionality.

PCSX2 SVN Changelog:
GSdx: fix for tokyo xtreme racing invisible letters, laz0rs did not set the texture size.

Download: PCSX2 SVN r5082
Source: Here


  1. huh were's megaupload? (too soon?)

  2. Yeah, keep waiting for Megaupload links. It may take a while... like, FOREVER!

  3. time to use p2p like torrent,curse sopa

  4. dont use torrents, anybody can see anybodys IP from there, its completely unsafe. Newshosting forever.

  5. Undertand this!theres no way in my country that i can purchase japanese games or anime get it?, the japanese companies dont sell anything here, therefore is not illegal to download things that they dont care to sell here. but now they want to aply American laws of things that are not made in the unitad states as is the things where made by them, if japannese companies want to accuse me of pirating fine but the thing is, they dont care,but now im a criminal in the unitad states? wtf how fucked up is that,i have never been in the united states and i dont want to go there,never will, but now im a criminal in a country that i will never go in my life how fucked up is that, im from azerbaijan FUCK YOU AMERICUNT! thanks for ruining up the internet!

  6. @ Christopher (and those interested)

    Here's why Megaupload was *actually* shut down. ;)

    DNS filtering that they *were* initially trying to use got to be the most stupid idea ever, because it actally doesn't work. You only need websites IP adress to acess it and bypass the DNS filter. That's off the shelves.

    Piracy is bad, and my and my neighbour countries are one of the biggest pirates in terms of ratio (citizen per pirated software) I believe. And it's so bad that most of the people say "So what? Who cares?" when I say to them that something that they are doing is illegal. When they buy pirate stuff they something have no idea that it is pirate. I mean few euros for a game/music cd/movie and they think it's the actual price (can't help idiots) etc. It's really bad, I agree, it's just that the way SOPA and PIPA are trying to enforce that is actually terrible. Also it's not like USA is trying to censor the net, right?

    Fat... :( Well I'm around 230 lbs (105 kilograms). That means nothing. You'd say initially I'm fat by that, but I'm actually not. I'm 6'5 (2m) so (damn imperial units are retarded)... Unless I'm mistaken (english is not my primary language) fat doesn't mean heavy but "wide" or "not slim", having overabundance of flesh.

    Concerning torrents, there are numerous ways to hide/mask your IP while using one. And it's actually safer/better than the alternatives. Filesharing software is actually so far the only one they look for the most, that's how some Limewire users were put on cross, also rapidshare, now megaupload etc. Guess people will so "go back" to Usenext and IRC. Also I always prefer torrents, for everything. In case some of you didn't know... there are an abundance of legal torrents as well. >.> And I don't like filesharing waitint period, speed caps, captcha boxes (most of them have it).

    Also, saying all this, I'm not saying I don't pirate stuff, but I do indeed buy all my favorite songs/movies/games even though our average income is like an average of few regular PC titles. It's simple, provide better service then pirates offer, while not a solution to everything, it's a reason while for example Battlefield 3 sells so well, also PC case showoff. Also in my country a lot of times it's impossible to find any decent original games, and most websites like Ebay/Newegg don't work for our countries because Paypal doesn't support 'em... at least it didn't til recently. There are workaround, but for 99% of folks IT illiterate folks it doesn't work. We still shouldn't do it, but the MAIN/ACTUAL reason everybody pirates, no lies here in saying, it's because WE CAN. Simple as that, there's no greater cause/good.

    Also, it's fun seeing LOIC (google it) at work. Hint, DDoS attacks. ;)

    I've written more than enough on the subject and I hope that at least one of you will read through this, and if you do, I salute you.

    Goran H.

  7. EDIT: Here's the link to the article I mentioned in the first paragraph (why was Megaupload really shut down) https://plus.google.com/u/0/111314089359991626869/posts/HQJxDRiwAWq

  8. #Goran . H : Piracy is bad, and my and my neighbour countries are one of the biggest pirates in terms of ratio (citizen per pirated software) I believe. And it's so bad that most of the people say "So what? Who cares?

    you mean indonesia yes im indonesia im pround for that

  9. Piracy is GOOD! It allows you to own freely what you never ever could without it! And on argument that they are stealing - that's damn stupid, those from whom pirates "stealing" are swimming in luxury and actually much more thievish than pirates. Prices aren't fair at all. And if you really want to support someone buying their product and have legal way to buying it no pirate will stop you from that. Apply logic "try then buy" to all pirate stuff and that's nothing bad.

  10. sopa,protect ip....if im correct we basically lost first ammendment as well thanks to government..the internet was made "by people for the people" it was not made by some messed up governmment...look for youtube videos labeled by "anonymous" as these vids are real and true...our new president in usa is driving us more into the ground than ppl may think...sure piracy is wrong...but ps1 games and such which in past? its abandonware not piracy and it should be free to download to everyone..no stores sell the games for old consoles if do your lucky..now gotta goto ebay or whatever and pay an arm and leg for something can easily download and burn yourself at 75% the price..but whats wrong with downloading to see if like before actually "buy" a product? its what i do before i decideto by something..id rather try before pay for something thats not worth 2 cents cause industries cant make decent games..movies they cant stop ppl fromm having on pc anyway cause of apps that allow you to record video right from pc...usa used to be about freedom and such but now with the president making up lie after lie with millions out of work..he madepromises and he didnt keep to his so called "fellow americans"...weas americans have a right to choose whats right and wrong...we have a right to say whats ours and whats not..when they took clinton out of office thats when everything went downhill...saying they couldnt do anything on 9-11? bs they were just too lazy to protect our country and families still have theyre mommy or daddy away from home where they belong...obama just like bush promised to bring our troops home...guess what they still there where they should NOT be..obama wanting to run 2nd term? ya ok lets see what the people have to say after all he did...but somehow the vice president or whatever could possibly rig it to where hes elected again and if that happens in plain english and sorry for saying this but in the terms of ebonics "we be fucked"

  11. #15 : sopa,protect ip....if im correct we basically lost first ammendment as well thanks to government..the internet was made "by people for the people"

    oh really are u dont know about history of internet basicaly internet made by usa only for mllitary communication not for people
    read wikipedia sometimes ...

  12. the rumour that was going around was that a rival services (not named) relative is high up in the chain of command in the fbi ,and so a scheme was cooked up to make it look like it was shut down for piracy (which it was)

    way to kill of the opposition

  13. @ Anon 13

    lol... Nah, I mean Southeastern Europe (ex-Yugoslavia). I'm not sure anymore, lol. People pirate way too much these days.

    @ Anon 14

    Piracy isn't good. Just because record labels and publishers make TON and TON of money doesn't make it right. The developers, directors, artists still don't get anything from it. And you wonder why more and more developers are abandoning PC as a platform. Yes, piracy exists on any platform, but it isn't nearly as widespread/popular as it is on the PC.

    @ Anon 15

    I did say "pirates do it because they can", and in some cases it isn't AS bad as in others, still it doesn't make it right. Just because you find idk... a wallet full of cash floating somewhere, doesn't mean you should take it for yourself and not report it. It's a matter of principles, and given this extreme one, everyone who'd report it needs to be slapped for stupidity (nobility, honesty always have their "limit", and in this age, or at least concerning the current economy state in my country, it's not applicable when money is concerned).

    Concerning the abandonware, I don't see much damage from getting it. Yeah like I'm going to find some years old gameboy cartridge that I really want to play right now... for it's actual price not the "collectible" price.

    Good thing so far that my country's ISP and country itself doesn't have any rules enforcing monitoring internet activity, so it's not like they care about it. :p

    Once again, offer better service than pirates... or any in some cases. Most of the new movies don't come in our theater or TV chanells till few years afterwards, if at all. And to purchase a legal copy I have to go to a capital city because in mine I have to either deal with pirates, or just get extremelly shitty and/or local movies/tv shows. And concerning Netflix and other services of that type... we don't have none, they "aren't availible".

  14. hmmm I guess it really was too soon =P

  15. #Goran.H lol i think that you talk about my country :D cause in here is paradise for pirate even in all my school all pc used pirating windows yep it sounds crazy but well if we use linux we will lose for another country for technology :D

  16. @ Goran H that all depends on what you classify as "piracy"
    if you are downloading new games,burning multiple copies and setting up a store to sell them on Ebay,then yes I agree.That is piracy and that is bad.
    Now if you download games that you arent sure about and really cant afford to drop $60 on a game only for it to turn out shitty,so you download a copy to "demo" then buy a retail copy well i dont see anything wrong with that.In fact,I call it "being a smart shopper"
    I mean you dont buy a car without testing it out first,right?

  17. Help Me

    With Final Fantasy X-2 new game and PCSX2 SVN r5082

    Depósito con errores 2776665887, tipo 1
    Nombre de evento: APPCRASH
    Respuesta: No disponible
    Id. de archivo CAB: 0

    Firma del problema:
    P1: pcsx2.exe
    P3: 4f055920
    P4: MSVCR100.dll
    P5: 10.0.30319.1
    P6: 4ba1dbbe
    P7: c0000005
    P8: 00001f66

    Archivos adjuntos:

    Es posible que estos archivos estén disponibles aquí:

    Símbolo de análisis:
    Nueva búsqueda de una solución: 0
    Id. de informe: acd375ca-4780-11e1-81ca-00e04d35f938
    Estado del informe: 0


  18. Goran H you are not from the states o.O
    Viva Argentina ;']

  19. i wish i had enough time that i would be able to waste some trolling the same site for months...LMAO

    #24 is so mad cause he is a loser and he knows it!! LOL

  20. think 2 times before voting your politics

  21. Acabou o Megaupload puta sacanagem dos E.U.A.

  22. @ #20

    Yeah that is REALLY bad. I believe we at least have non-pirate Win XP's machines in our scholes, I know because me and two friends of mine installed them there (when I was in highschool) and hooked them up in a network, made accounts for the whole school, the sad part is that our IT teacher asked us to do it because he was "lazy" or shall I say really incompetent.

    Also... Linux rocks, I mean EVERYTHING is FREE! Can't beat that. Also Linux has no piracy. :D lol

    @ 23

    Nope! ;)
    Not that I'm trolling/flaming or anything along those lines, but it's really sad that my English proverbial skills outmatch most Americans that I've had chance to interact with.

  23. @ 21

    It's not the same thing (the car metaphore). Cause the given car isn't virtual data, it has a physical form.

    The first example is actually horribly bad and everyone doing so should be sent to prison for such thing.

    In between there's piracy "amongst friends", you download a game and share it... That's awful too.

    And then your second example which would be ok if people actually did that. Thing is, trully RARELY anyone ever does it. At least not as far as I've seen. Thing is, once people downloaded their game, and it works just as good as the legitimate copy, why would they then waste money on paper and plastic, or worse so, just another digital copy stored somewhere else (Steam). We are selfish, it's in our nature.

    There are numerous ways to combat piracy, but if the product isn't good enough nothing will help you (COD seems to defy that rule). lol

    Skyrim = 300 hours of content out of box, thousand hours added by mods not included.

    Most recent COD games = 5 hours campaign (that is actually pretty bland even while being "packed with action"), multiplayer not counting cause I don't play like it a lot.

    60/300 = 0.20 cents per hour
    60/5 = 12

    The "demoing" is fine in theory, in reality huge majority just pirate stuff... period.

    I don't give a flying fuck if record labels, publishers get any money, I'm saddened when I see developer studios get shut down, abandon a platform, dumb down their games, or just start making shitty generic games. Similar goes for movie/tv show producers, bands and singers and general music performers, was just giving example because for me Gaming industry is taking a biggest hit of three.

  24. important

    all the new version cant play the multi-loader game like:*cdloader1.2 *

    only this version is good for it (EmuCR-Pcsx2-r4808) it work pretty good for multi game

    fix it please

  25. hahahaha compra um ps2 e joga seu pc no inferno filho da puta palhaço do satanas maldito de merda canalha nao sabe configura um emulado puto foda -se voce e fecha seu cu´pra fala comigo

  26. @36 ok help me rob the bank fucker i dare you!
    if not i willl come to your house and rape you for hours until you like it

  27. hey goran WTF IM DISSAPOINTED!

    Goran H. said... @

    where the fuck did it fix ZoE2 ? it still run slow like hell
    for the last time..yes i am gay and i like to fuck little boys

  28. This is the biggest thread on the emu c.r. LOL! XD

  29. - MegaUpload - Closed.
    - FileServe - Closed. Does not sell premium.
    - FileJungle - Deleting files. Locked in the U.S..
    - UploadStation - Deleting accounts. Locked in US.
    - FileSonic - the news is arbitrary (under FBI investigation).
    - Uploading.com - Deleting accounts.
    - VideoBB - Closed! would disappear soon.
    - Uploaded - Banned U.S. and the FBI went after the owners who are gone.
    - FilePost - Deleting all material (so will leave executables, pdfs, txts)
    - Videoz - closed and locked in the countries affiliated with the USA.
    - 4shared - Deleting files with copyright and waits in line at the FBI.
    - MediaFire - Called to testify in the next 90 days and it will open doors pro FBI
    -Org torrent - could vanish with everything within 30 days "he is under criminal investigation"
    - Network Share mIRC - awaiting the decision of the case to continue or terminate Torrente everything.
    - Koshiki - operating 100% Japan will not join the SOUP / PIPA
    - Shienko Box - 100% working china / korea will not join the SOUP / PIPA
    - ShareX BR - group UOL / BOL / iG say they will join the SOUP / PIPA

  30. im the anon 40 see you cant almost download nothing cause they will close all host site
    maybe they will close wikipedia and youtube due to the music and videogames The Internet Should be Free

  31. Malditos Greengoes de mierda

  32. important

    all the new version cant play the multi-loader game like:*cdloader1.2 *

    Devil May Cry 2 MULTI-CD don't work

    Shadow of Rome here stay in 9FPS some parts of the game, realy sucks.

    My PC have the recommended config.
    All others that i tested work fine like shadow of colossus, GOW, GOW II, All Yu-Gi-Oh .

  33. #37 come get some ...

  34. Say bye! bye! to... MEGAUPLOAD!

    no more... www.megaupload.com website...

    RIP... 2005 to 2012... :(

    Bye! Bye! See you in hell! >:D


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