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EmuCR: MAME Plus!
MAME Plus! v0.144u6 r4969 is released. New version of this MAME Emulator for Windows. MAME Plus! has many features to make it a great unoffical build.

MAME Plus! SVN Changelog:
* [MAME] Updated to MAME 0.144u6 (Incomplete, screen.c and others?)
* [MESS] Sync with MESS rev 14053
*fixed compile problem
*scale effect broken

Download: MAME Plus! v0.144u6 r4970 x86
Download: MAME Plus! v0.144u6 r4970 x64
Download: MAME Plus! GUI 1.5.0.win
Source: Here


  1. donpachi series are unplayable due to graphical glitches, image enhancements does not work but interestingly some games especially neogeo games run faster than mameui.


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