JsDOSBox (December 2011) is released. JsDOSBox is a JavaScript port of jDosbox. It is capable of running dos programs from the early 90's. Currently in alpha and missing emulation of some key peripherals such as sound and mouse control. For a demonstration of JsDOSBox running a shareware game go to http://jsdosbox.appspot.com (chrome recommended). And running DOS demos at http://retropcdemos.appspot.com.
December 2011
- Added SoundBlaster and PC Speaker emulation. try http://retropcdemos.appspot.com
Note this program is still in alpha with limited functionality.
JsDOSBox has a hardcoded config using:
- 486 machine type with a FPU
- 8 Mb ram
- s3 video card
Extract the build.zip file from the base source directory.
This contains all the static JavaScript files to run JsDOSBox.
The JsDOSBoxTest.html file includes everything to launch and configure the program. Take particular note of the input fields at the end of the file that capture the configuration parameters.
The files are to be copied into the appropriate directory of your favourite web server.
REMEMBER: Due to browser caching, make sure to flush your browser cache as you configure the program.
Configuration parameters
frameskip - values 0 to 12
core - either dynamic or normal
compilethreshold - Indicates how often a code block is executed before it is compiled. Default value is 0 indicating disabled. There is no performance gain to be had by enabling it.
autorun parameter - This captures what gets executed by the emulator. The '!' character is used as a newline delimiter. The first instruction details the specifics of the disk image to use and subsequent instructions indicate what to execute.
The disk image should be copied into the same directory as the html file and the URL set accordingly. The size parameters are as per DOSBox. The final instruction must end with .exe
disk image
Currently RAW and 7zip disk images are supported. 7zip images must be produced using the compress.jar program located in the src directory (see README file).
When using a 7zip compressed disk image, you must include a imagesize parameter.
The value is the size in bytes of the uncompressed disk image. If not using a compressed disk image, you must remove the imagesize parameter!
The above listed instructions are likely to change ...
Try Online: JsDOSBox (December 2011)
Source: Here
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