
GambNafen v0.0.42

EmuCR: GambNafenGambNafen v0.0.42 is released. GambNafen is a frontend (GUI) for Mednafen 0.9.18 WIP multi emulator, written in Gambas. The program include support for files multi archive in rar and 7zip format, a window to preview and autodetection of snaps made with Mednafen.

GambNafen 0.0.42 Changelog:
Again here..
This is the time for a porting of MedGui into Linux os,

It is known that my computer skills and english language are very bad, i still hope that GambNafen is convenient to use and maybe useful.
For each request or report refer to this topic.

Sorry for bad english...

Best regards.

This GUI work only with Mednafen 0.9.18 WIP.

Download: GambNafen 0.0.42


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