
bsnes v085

EmuCR:bsnes Emulatorsbsnes v085 is released. bsnes is an emulator for the Super Famicom and SNES video game systems. The purpose of the emulator is a bit different from other emulators: it focuses on accuracy, debugging functionality, and clean code.

bsnes v084 Changelog:
- fixed auto joypad polling edge case; fixes Ys 5 controls
- fixed Justifier polling code; Lethal Enforcers should be fully responsive once again
- rewrote SNES S-SMP processor core (~20% code reduction)
- fixed Game Boy 8x16 sprite mode; fixed some sprites in Zelda: Link's Awakening
- treat Game Boy HuC1 RAM enable flag as writable flag instead; fixes Pokemon Card GB
- created far faster XML parser; bsnes can now load XML files once again
- updated to mightymo's most recent cheat code database
- internal color calculations now performed at 30-bits per pixel
- gamma slider now acts as fine-tuned gamma ramp option
- Linux OpenGL driver will output at 30bpp on capable displays
- Linux port defaults to GTK+ now instead of Qt (both are still available)

Download: bsnes v085 x86
Download: bsnes v085 x64
Source: Here


  1. would be lighter / optimize the emulator and less requiring.

  2. [1:2] I HATE BYUU! BSNES
    1 Name: Anonymous : 2012-01-02 04:11

    Now you know the reason why everyone hate byuu.
    In his delusional mind, only his opinion matters. everyone else is wrong.
    You know why everyone hate him in the zsnes boards? he was always complaining and demanding that every snes rom format haves to be make the way he wants because its better (the roms and games work) why it should be done? theres no reason, why he started a fight with the guy of snes central? because he say that the scanning was crap and he will release his own work (theres nothing wrong with snescentral scans or manual replacement.org)then when people started to contribuite now we is not releasing a thing because is pirating, so now is is own preservation project just for him but he ask for games and boxes , He will not release a damn thing, hes to egocentric and haves self importance.
    When was the last time any emu author asked you for a donation to decript and decapped special chips? Never!
    He posted shit about Zeality the guy who made the crono trigger fangame chrimson echoes because the game was made to work in zsnes (the game needs the registers out of memory to work,
    and some parts looks with garbage without it, but it works with snes 9x regardless)
    and finally when was the last time you see the snes 9x authors or any of the zsnes board mods, snes central, manual replacement,zeality or iphner or any emu contributors, post crap about the other snes emus? NEVER but byuu thinks that posting crap about zsnes and snes9x, snescentral,manual replacement,zeality,iphner is the right thing to do and remind the masses how good and accurate his emu is.

  3. Said person, has no outlet and knows not how to express themself in a civil manner. Try to live in the real world bud. Talk the same way as your writings in the real world, and others are likly to push back & you are liable for your actions. It's easy to hide when your not talking infront of someone.

    It's byuu's emulator, so he can do with it as he wishes. A labor of love, if that's the way he envisions it. Zsnes had it's time and place. It's time to move on. Maybe, zsnes will be updated someday or not. I enjoyed each emulator in it's own way. Yes, bsnes is slow for most. I will be using, bsnes for some of my SNES game, when I get a faster PC.

    Byuu has brought so much to the Super Nintendo emulation scene. I for one thank him for doing so. Thanks to, Byuu and all the other over the years who invested so much of there time making it possible for me and you to play are favorite games!

    So stop making yourself out to be the fool, if at all possible. Take the dry corncob out of your butt and start enjoying life. Bsnes is free, as are most emulators. What more more
    could I ask for?


  4. Sheesh, you, whoever posted the third post, GTFO. Yeah, I've had my disagreements with Byuu and getting my IP banned from his website (*cough* proxies get around it *cough*), but lay off. I've learned to respect him for what he does and he is undeniably a major contributor to the SNES emulator scene. If you don't like it, you can sod off.

  5. @6 and 7 everything i say is true, he even demands for a change on the format of the roms
    for what? they work flawless
    tell me the last emu author that wanted money to decap a special chip?
    ask nightwolf,nightcrawler,iphner,mudlord,kitsune sniper,dark knight.darksavior what they think of the guy.
    let me requote the stupidity you just posted, i cant believe i just read this stupid comment
    "possible for me and you to play are favorite games"
    you can play and enjoy your favorite games over a decade ago via Esnes the first snes emu via Dos, after that it came snes9x and zsnes.
    i remember the day the special chips from star ocean ,far east of eden zero and street fighter alpha 2 where decaped, the day megamagn x2 and x3 special chips where decaped! byuu was involved? not! and guess what byuu have not involved in that in any way, it was the zsnes authors, that's how you are now playing those games!
    does anyone of you remember blodlust software the guys behind nesticle,callus, genecyst and all the classic emulators? i guess not since you suck byuus cock so much that you are basically saying that you are playing all these retro systems thank to him as some kind of pionner in the scene when hes not, so unless you re a fan of shogi games since my guess is that you are now playing those "favorite games of yours" since are the only one's unemulated by other snes emus, you must be living under a rock for the past 13 years.

  6. @Anon 3&8 Just GTFO.
    The "format" wasn't changed just the name because .smc stands for super magicom so why use that?

    Why to people bitch and moan about free stuff? if you don't like bsnes then don't use it.

  7. slow and sucks...useless because we have snes9x and zsnes

    if this byu guy has any real skill he should work on cave sh3 emulation

  8. Stop using zsnes you dickheads. It's not 1997.

  9. @3

    It's pretty freakin' pathetic that you have to post this kind of thing every time, unprovoked. You do nothing for the world or for yourself by doing this.

    As a word of advice, just take up the issues with the people you have a quarrel with, not us. If those people don't respond, accept that this is all free and that you can't really do anything about what Byuu wants since its his product.

    By posting stuff like this in a site that has nothing to do with him, you come off as the very thing you are accusing him of being.

    Making baseless accusations to people you know nothing about is pointless. I was around before zsnes hit ver.400. zsKnight has done wonders for snes emulation. but sadly, for a very tragic reason which was, at the time posted on the Zsnes homepage, he had to leave emulation entirely.

    Anyway, the point I am trying to make is, he was the trailblazer, yes, and sometimes i think Byuu really Owes him atleast that, but since then, Zsnes as a team hasn't really made off well in terms of progress, (don't get me wrong, some of the individuals in there have had their own things go quite well).

    Byuu is filling a gap and hes doing a damn fine job of it. His methods to running the specially chipped games like X2/3, Doom, Starfox, etc. are all his own and are 1:1 accurate to the real system. Byuu has even been able to get Bsnes to run games that any version of Zsnes cannot run.

    Despite what debatable personality flaws Byuu has, Its hard to argue that the emulator is not a very solid peice of code. If you actually get into the programming of it all, you will see that it emulates the snes as it really regardless of what game you are trying to play, rather then attempting to play various games through hacks that are made just for that particular game. It is undeniably more like a real snes then any other emu.

    TL;DR: Chill out dude, Zsnes was awsome and necessary when we were younger but today, Bsnes is simply more accurate and worth using if you have a PC that can handle it.

    They are both cool, don't make wars dude.

  10. "When was the last time any emu author asked you for a donation to decript and decapped special chips? Never!"

    Uh... MAME practically runs on this model of doing things.

    It is tough to imagine ever having cps2 emulation so long ago if it didn't work this way.

  11. @Anon3&8, dude, don't piss in our mouths and call it lemonade, if you don't like what we're saying, sod off. Byuu has his own different points of view (*gasp*! "He has his own opinion on emulation!? KILL HIM AT ONCE!"), as does BearOSO, the maintainer for Snes9x and Kode54, who maintains Zsnes.

    SMC (Super Magicom) format ROMs tend to have more issues since many dumps were corrupted and/or don't work properly. On the other hand, .SFC (Super Famicom) format ROMs tend to work better and have less issues with emulators. I fail to see how using SnesPurify is such a hard program to use, just bloody use it to convert to SFC format. La-dee-frikin-da.

    I don't know what your BFD is with Byuu and his decision to make super-accurate Snes emulation, as it's his right to do whatever he wants with his emulator, wankers like you have no right to kick him when he's down, that's uncalled for. If you don't like Bsnes, then use Snes9x, which I think is almost as good as Bsnes, but runs faster on those who don't have top-of-the-line PCs.

    Did I hear you mention Genecyst, Nesticle and Esnes being trailblazers in emulation? Sure, they were excellent emulators back in 1996-1998, but to this day, if anyone still uses those, there's something seriously jacked up. And as far as I'm concerned, Zsnes is still stuck in that era, despite having a release five years ago.

    I don't use Zsnes due to it severely lacking in the SPC700 accuracy department, whereas Snes9x and Bsnes use the same audio core (1:1 accuracy to the real console), but, if people want to play Final Fantasy VI with comparatively horrible sound effects, such is their rights. And if people would rather use Bsnes to play Snes ROMs with more accuracy, that's their right, too and misinformed miscreants like you can't tell them what to use.

    Byuu knows his stuff, as do other emulator authors, and they gained that knowledge as a result of research, programming and going through the hell of trial and error for nearly a decade, only to have punks like you discrediting their efforts.

    The order of Snes emulators from most accurate to least accurate:


    K thx bai

    IN 2012, Oh wait byuu, dont know shit about n64 architecture and probably never will , he even stated in a post in his site

  13. *Sigh*, must you bash on everyone who doesn't share the same views as you? Do you realize how much of an idiot you're making yourself look like?

  14. http://byuu.org/articles/clearing-the-channel
    RHDN community

    Long ago, I helped teach Nightcrawler SNES assembly hacking, and helped him by writing a variable-width font engine for his first SNES translation project. When he started RHDN, I stopped by and tried to help get things going by providing technical guidance to the novice users and such.

    After a while, Aerdan / Kiyoshi Aman got into an argument with me after I was trying to help someone with a C++ question, and he banned my account. At the time, I was under the impression that Nightcrawler and I were friends of many years. I reached out to him for his help with a second account, and he banned it and ignored me.

    I'm sorry to admit, I took it really hard. It felt like losing a good friend. I went off on a public diatribe against him and Aerdan — both of whom now dislike me intently — and disavowed myself of an entire community of people that I had enjoyed hanging around with.

    In retrospect, it was entirely my fault for assuming we had a reciprocal friendship. To him, I was simply helping him out on occasion. In that context, his handling of the situation was fully appropriate.

    Again, I want to reiterate that this is from my perspective at the time. Nightcrawler has his own take on the events that you are encouraged to read. But this article isn't about me demonstrating that my reactions given the circumstances were reasonable. This is me explaining how I felt at the time, and saying that I am sorry to all parties involved.

  15. Nightcrawler
    How can that be the case when the corrections I made to both articles are available fact? Backed by either public record, news archives, forum record etc., which I can provide. In the very least, certainly everything about my projects is purely factual with full backing. Who would be a greater authority on them than me, anyway? That is my primary issue. Then, after bringing the issue to attention for correction, refusal to correct anything. That's disrespectful to me. I had no issue until this recent incident brought here. I couldn't care less about few years ago, but that was apparently important enough to dig up yet again over there.
    You're asking the wrong guy. Of course I want to. I tried again just the other day. He wants no resolution. He stopped communicating. I spoke about what we could do together too. Go talk to to him. I'd be more than happy to put this incident behind me. If you know me at all, you know I don't stop communicating, and there's no one I won't work with on a business level for benefit of the community here.

  16. I.S.T.
    I am with NC on this. byuu has a history of painting himself as the victim or misunderstanding peoples' arguments...
    I won't repeat what IST said, but I would add to it that byuu has historically also declined to apply patches to bsnes and other projects in favour of writing the code himself. Unfortunately, his versions are almost always inferior to the original product. This habit is one of the main reasons bsnes lost its forum at the ZBoards (since, y'know, the ZSNES devs have more important things to do with their time than fix byuu's shit and have him reject said fixes).

  17. Kiyoshi Aman
    If you're going by accuracy, then yes. But who cares about accuracy, aside from byuu and his sycophants? Most of the SNES-era games I'd want to play have been remade for other platforms (CT, FF4-6, DQ5-6, Mario Kart, ToP).

  18. Nightcrawler
    To continue to keep spouting public falsehoods? I agree. I've asked him nicely to stop twice now. I e-mailed him the other day. He has absolutely no interest in resolution or correct accuracy of statement (ironic for someone crusading that accuracy matters). I haven't talked about this guy in years. I don't know why he keeps needing to talk about me with misinformation to get my attention. He knows I take issue with that. Have the decency to be truthful of fact in whatever your opinion may be or don't bother talking about me at all. I hope this is the end of it. Leave me alone, byuu.

    1.) It's public record my first translation was Final Fantasy IIIj. He was nowhere around to teach me anything. Someone should have been as it would have turned out a whole lot better.

    2.) I'm assuming he refers to Dual Orb 2. None of his code was ever used in that project or any other.

    3.) I did not ban his account . I wasn't even around at the time it was issued (It was few day cool-off ban from moderation par for the rules at the time at that). I did ban his second account for a spoofed hostname upon my return. Interpretation of 'ignore' is interesting as we discussed the matter in full detail afterwards. I don't ignore anyone who contacts me, but response time may be a few days at times.

    There's only one thing left to say on the matter:
    Please don't talk about me when I'm gone
    Tho' our friendship ceases from now on
    And if you can't say anything that's nice
    It's better not to talk at all is my advice

    We're parting, you go your way, I'll go mine, it's best that we do
    Here's a kiss, I hope that this brings lots of luck to you
    And it makes no difference how I carry on
    Please don't talk about me when I'm gone

    Willie Nelson version.

  19. KaioShin
    FinS, you obviously don't know the man, you only know his work, do you see the difference?

    And before you say that the work is all that should matter on the internet, tell that to people before they post rants about shit on their official websites and various forums all the time. People who make themselves known on the internet in such a fashion have to live with the consequences. I certainly regret some things I've said in public in the past, but such is life. The thing is, I'm pretty sure byuu knows that himself and is fine with it too. He doesn't need nor asks for fanboys to defend him.

  20. Tater Bear
    Only time I have seen him reject patches that were an actual fix to something was because it was code he couldn't follow/understand (One of bSNES goals is code that is clear/understandable, so the inner workings of the SNES can be "documented"), there was licensing issues, or it was a system specific hack type deal.

    I agree that the focus should be the content of article, so what if byuu is an ass. I think his point was more so that hacks were/are being written for emulators not the console, thus the importance of accurately emulating the console. This is of course true for the vast majority of hacks made early on, as it was very difficult to find someone to test hacks on the actual console. Making hacks that only worked on emulators was not done on purpose, but out of necessity. I think that thanks to emulator authors writing more accurate emulators, it helps us make better hacks. BTW, so far, I am liking bass.

  21. I would agree with this, except byuu's code sucks—and most of the patches I've seen mentioned in Freenode/#zsnes are rather lacking in code-golfing.

  22. Piotyr
    I think Byuu has either a social disorder that makes him not gauge how his comments would affect people or he has a very socially awkard personality. None of this is an insult mind you its just something I pick up on from seeing him.He is very narrow minded and tends to care for his own projects and goals more than anything else and when goaded into doing something for other people or doing things other peoples way he reaches a limit and reacts poorly.

  23. Byuu and that stupid emulator is only bullshit where you want to create? a monster?, skynet?
    the snes emulation IS OVER many years ago. is finish, nothing more to do, open your eyes and no waste time freaks. and a one more thing to byuu and mudlord, made new emulators for NEW consoles, or you want to die with the snes forever? be reasonable for one time in your lives!

  24. can you emulate daifukatsu ?

  25. Sweat, another update, I'm sure to give it a try.

  26. Who is this clearly over-raging buttmad anon? What do you want to achieve except ridicule? Bsnes is fine. What's your problem?

  27. I agree, SNES is over only rest, play


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