
ZXMAK.NET v2.0.0.0 Alpha

ZXMAK.NET v2.0.0.0 Alpha is released. ZXMAK.NET is the Free .NET ZX Spectrum Emulator, written in C#. ZXMAK.NET is an emulator of the 1980s home computer and various clones, that can work on various platforms with .NET environment.

Free Heroes2 Engine SVN r2505

EmuCR: Free Heroes2 EngineFree Heroes2 Engine SVN r2505 is released. Free Heroes2 Engine is a free implementation of Heroes of the Might and Magic II engine. SDL is used.

Game Categories Light v1.5 Beta 2

EmuCR: Game Categories LightGame Categories Light v1.5 Beta 2 is released. Game Categories Light is the successor to Game Categories Revised. It aims to provide a simple and well integrated category feature for 6.20 TN users, by applying the most hackish amount of patches this plugin ever had. It extends the original foldering feature (which is only capable of foldering everything by it's expiration date). A 'By Category' feature is introduced in to the options, and it is defaulted to whenever you enter the game menu. An 'Uncategorized' feature shows up for any uncategorized games/homebrew. As a nifty extra, it shows the type of game/homebrew it is, and it's current firmware limitations, as a subtitle.

MedGui v1.998

EmuCR: MedGui
MedGui v1.998 is released. MedGui is a GUI (Frontend) for Mednafen WINDOW OS.

Glitch64 SVN r250

EmuCR: Glitch64 Glitch64 SVN r250 is released. GlideHQ is a realtime texture enhancer library with hi-resolution texture pack support for Glide64. Glitch64 is the recommended Glide3x wrapper for Glide64, the Glide video plugin for N64 emulators. It currently supports S3TC texture compression, anisotropic filtering, widescreen resolutions and simulates almost all the Glide3x hardware capabilities used by the plugin, included texture buffer capability (needed for render to texture). It is coded using the OpenGL API and uses GLSL shaders.

MESS SVN r12766

EmuCR: MESSMESS SVN r12766 is released. MESS(Multi Emulator Super System) is an open source emulator which emulates a large variety of different systems. MESS is a source-available project which documents the hardware for a wide variety of (mostly vintage) computers, video game consoles, and calculators through software emulation, as MAME does for arcade games. As a nice side effect to this documentation, MESS allows software and games for these hardware platforms to be run on modern PCs.

ClrMamePro v4.0a

EmuCR:ClrMameProClrMamePro v4.0a is released. ClrMamePro is a so-called ROM-manager. With every new release of MAME a lot has been changed. New gamesets have been added, some have been removed, etc.