
WinVICE v2.3.12

EmuCR: SDLVICE WinVICE v2.3.12 is released. WinVICE is a program that executes programs intended for the old 8-bit computers. The current version emulates the C64, the C128, the VIC20, all the PET models (except the SuperPET 9000, which is out of line anyway), the PLUS4 and the CBM-II (aka C610).

WinVICE v2.3.11 Changelog:
* ChangeLog, doc/vice.hlp, doc/vice.guide, doc/vice.chm, configure.in,
src/version.h, src/arch/win32/vice-version.bat, src/monitor/mon_lex.c,
src/monitor/mon_parse.c, src/monitor/mon_parse.h, po/es.po, po/ko.po,
po/fr.po, po/da.po, po/tr.po, po/de.po, po/sv.po, po/hu.po, po/ru.po,
po/nl.po, po/pl.po, po/it.po: VICE 2.3.12

Download: WinVICE v2.3.12 x86
Source: Here


  1. is it just me or is the download link for the the winvice bin a link to the source code ??


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