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EmuCR: MESSMESS v0.144u4 is released. MESS is an open source project which documents the hardware for a wide variety of (mostly vintage) computers, video game consoles, and calculators through software emulation, as MAME does for arcade games. As a nice side effect to this documentation, MESS allows software and games for these hardware platforms to be run on modern PCs.

MESS v0.144u4 Changelog:


New System Drivers Supported:
- Fidelity Champion Chess Challenger (model CSC). [Lord Nightmare, Kevtris, Sandro Ronco]
- Acetronic Chess Traveller. [Curt Coder]
- Triumph-Adler's Alphatronic PC [Ian Gledhill,Barry Rodewald,Robbbert]

Systems Promoted from GAME_NOT_WORKING:

Skeleton drivers:

System Driver Changes:
-v1050: Added Winchester hard disk [Curt Coder]
-mac: match dumped Egret ROM versions to known machines. II/IIx/IIcx now
default to Apple 4*8 video card instead of RasterOps board to better
represent a common config and boot faster. [R. Belmont]
-lynx: Fixes a bug in the audio emulation that was causing mess to hang. [huygens]
Changed button ordering
Sprite scaling changes (Blue Lightning runway fixed)
-dc: added Katana Set 5 prototype BIOS (The Dumping Union)
-mac: Added preliminary Cuda skeleton. Doesn't sync up properly
with 68k yet. [R. Belmont, Paul Pratt]
-lynx: removed clearing of collision depository for background sprites
(Dirty Larry can now get to the second level, Scrapyard Dog goes in-game) [huygens]
-lynx: removed drawing of pad byte on end of scanline in completely literal
sprite data (fixes score display in Qix, Blue Lightning).[huygens]

Software Lists:
-v1050.xml: Added CP/M 3.0 (BIOS 1.4) to softlist. [rbramante]
-a7800.xml: Adding softlist information regarding known prototypes, verified
descriptions, general set upkeep.. more work needed. [Tafoid]
-ibmpcjr_cart.xml: adding required field for DOS disk in the carts which needs it. [Kaylee]

Source Changes:
-ipf: Cope with a probable image error (Chase H.Q. ST in particular) [O. Galibert]

Download: MESS v0.144u4 x86
Download: MESS v0.144u4 x64
Download: MESS v0.144u4 source diff
Source: Here

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