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EmuCR: MAME Plus!
MAME Plus! v0.144u3 r4958 is released. New version of this MAME Emulator for Windows. MAME Plus! has many features to make it a great unoffical build.

MAME Plus! SVN Changelog:
updated all lang

Download: MAME Plus! v0.144u3 r4958 x86
Download: MAME Plus! v0.144u3 r4958 x64
Download: MAME Plus! GUI 1.5.0.win
Source: Here


  1. That's right my fellow Pirate.

    The company that whines about piracy may end up in a real massive Boycott which leads to bankruptcy.

    They better shut the fuck up and lose SOME money, than pointing our pirate attention and losing ALL their money.

    This is the law of the modern digital world.
    Music, Cinema, Games, Software, you name it...

  2. santa claus must be a pirate... yes... it all makes sense now...

  3. Mame Plus Build 4958 SH3 Compiled

    Proof Image: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/59/85145082.jpg/

    Download: http://www.multiupload.com/9G0A5YA27R


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