
PS3 Game List v1.9.1

EmuCR: PS3 Game ListPS3 Game List v1.9.1 is released. PS3 Game List is a application that allows you to manage your list of PS3 games. It started out as a demo to test the Qt Framework functionality, but it evolved into a full feature C++ app. It allows users to download game updates.

EmuCR: PS3 Game List

PS3 Game List v1.9.1 Changelog:
- Hovering the mouse over a populated list displays tooltip containing the selected game info and background miniature (configuration via settings dialog);
- Additional tag _FIRMWARE_ for custom rename (e.g. “_TITLE_ – (_ID_)[_FIRMWARE_]” => “Gran Turismo 5 – (BCUS98114)[3.50]“, “[_FIRMWARE_][_ID_][_TITLE_]” => “[3.50][BCUS98114][Gran Turismo 5]“, etc.).

Download: PS3 Game List v1.9.1
Source: Here


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