
Pokopom PSX Pad Plugin v1.6

Pokopom PSX Pad Plugin v1.6 is released. Pokopom is a PSEmu Pro pad plugin that emulates a DualShock1 and DualShock2 controller for PS1 and PS2 emulators respectively. It only uses XInput, so as to avoid the DirectInput troubles with X360 controllers. It currently has no configuration available, and defaults to use the first and second XInput controllers as pad1 and pad2 respectively.

Pokopom PSX Pad Plugin v1.6 Changelog:
1.6 - 2011-08-12
Some internal changes to DualShock1. Also, now when in digital mode
the analog sticks can be used as dpad and face buttons respectively.

1.5 - 2011-08-11
Fixed a DualShock2 bug that caused Ar Tonelico to crash on startup.

1.4 - 2011-08-09
Fixed tons of bugs on DualShock2, that solves many issues. Thus, it no
longer requires the previous FF12 hack either.

-. Added "pressure" emulation, dunno if it works well though.
-. Added Hot plug/unplug, which seems to work alright.

1.3 - 2011-08-09
Added DualShock2 support for PCSX2 and other whatnots for that emu.
Also, added some vibration stuff from Harakiri's update.

There's also a hacky auto_analog to avoid some issue with FF12. It kept
reverting back to digital mode.

-. Changed analog/digital toggle to the spacebar.

1.2 - 2011-08-08
Initial PCSX2 support.

1.1 - 2011-08-08
Minor changes to rumble, added readme on package.
Now it stops the rumbling on close.

1.0 - 2011-08-06
Initial release.

Download: Pokopom PSX Pad Plugin v1.6
Source: Here


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