
Nuvee PSX Controller 20110925

EmuCR: NuveeNuvee PSX Controller 20110925 is released. Nuvee PSX Controller is a simple win32 psx controller plugin that provides basic emulation
- Dual PSX Mouse (PS1)
- Dual PSX Guncon (PS1)

- Dual G-Con 45 (PS2)
- Dual Guncon 2 (PS2)
- Dual Mouse (PS2)
- Single keyboard (PS2)

- Dual mice (USB + Serial)
- Dual PC lightgun
- Single keyboard

For use with win32 emulators like
- PCSX-reloaded (cmdline = lightgun build only)

- PCSX-reloaded (any)
- PCSX2 (any)

- PCSX2-usb (usb plugin)

Nuvee Changelog:
- 09-25-11 Add cmdline features to PCSXr-lightgun (gameshark_load, spu_plugin, gpu_plugin, cdr_plugin)
- 09-25-11 Add PEC cheats for gun flash removal
- 09-25-11 Add default profiles reset option in GUI
- 09-25-11 Fix Moorhuhn hacks for PC lightguns
- 09-25-11 Add Policenauts Guncon conversion

EmuCR: Nuvee

Download: Nuvee PSX Controller 20110925
Source: Here


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