
Dolphin GCMemcardUpdates Git 3.0-98

EmuCR:DolphinDolphin GCMemcardUpdates Git 3.0-98 is released. Dolphin GCMemcardUpdates is a branch of Dolphin. Dolphin is the first Gamecube emulator able to run commercial games! Dolphin is a great Gamecube(NGC) and Wii emulator. It has a partial Wii support and plays most Gamecube games. Dolphin has been changed SVN to Git recently.

Dolphin GCMemcardUpdates Git changelog:
* fix gcmemcard format broken by 5f9591cf9d0a0c9f87832dad58faa079d4ca7d24
small cleanup to format, now works for slot a and b and any memcard size
* remove sram path (m_strSRAM) from startup parameters, only write sram to file if one exists
log flash id when loading a memcard
* EXI_Memcard: HLE memcard Formatting, GCMemcard: Add static format function, cleanup checksums code

Download: Dolphin GCMemcardUpdates Git 3.0-98 x86
Download: Dolphin GCMemcardUpdates Git 3.0-98 x64
Source: Here


  1. is it has anything to do with dolphin performance?

    well,we just need improved speed up on dolphin. nothing else

  2. Its not your decision to make. The developers can do whatever they want. Go and develop it yourself if you want to improved speed up on dolphin or buy your own Wii console to play the games instead.

  3. @#1

    or you can get a faster PC.what I play on dolphin (SSB,mario kart,zelda WW and a few others) run just fine on a i7

  4. Waiting for R-100. The only time I update it every multiple of 100. Same thing with PCSX2.

  5. en i7 2600k corren a 120 flops los juegos :O =) gracias por darnos la oportunidad de usar este gran emulador

  6. plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz fixxxxxxxxxxxxxx wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee daaaay of reckong 2 i ur program best in the world

  7. i hope they fix it soon because everyone wants to play this great game on pc with dolphin emulator

  8. crap.

    Wind Waker is still bugged, the sun effects is glitched and the fog too.

  9. No version works on Dolphin Git 3 Dragon Ball Z Sagas

  10. how to speed up in Dolphin 3.0 ?
    please; i need the question :S


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